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Frontier Airlines Reservation 800-299-7264 Official Site Phone Number

An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

…ual recompense. In the video message that was played before my last United Airlines flight, you expressed your desire to greet each and every passenger; you invited us to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. If I could greet you now, I would want to know: were you unaware of the monstrosity that was about to follow? There, rising above the hiss of the pressurized air, as the video monitors snapped to the image of an engorged sun bursting from be…

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“Frontier Feminist” The Right’s Favorite In Nevada

…Reid,” the group’s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, said in a statement. Frontier feminism? What’s that — carrying a .44 magnum and supporting privatization of Social Security and Medicare?  Or is frontier feminism the Proverbs 31 woman, which at Angle’s Southern Baptist church is the guiding principle for the women’s ministry? Proverbs 31 is an oft-cited verse by evangelicals to define the role of a “noble wife;” the Southern Baptist Convention…

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Caste First, Christ Second, for Some Indian Christians

…Caesar Thomas of the National Council of Dalit Christians doesn’t need the reservation system. A fourth-generation Catholic and son of a teacher, he was educated as an engineer and lawyer. But when he was working in recruiting at Indian Railways, he noticed a pattern. “With my own eyes, I saw how Dalit Christian applications were rejected, whereas our Hindu Dalit brothers, their sons and daughters, they came through the reservation,” he says. Thom…

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First U.S. Visit of the Virgin Mary Confirmed in Wisconsin

…ike a parking lot. It might look to Lourdes to improve its website: on the official site for the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, visitor FAQs tell you how to get to Lourdes, how to get your hands on some holy water from the grotto, and how to leave an ex-voto offering (look elsewhere for hotel bookings—there are dozens of hotels in Lourdes, all advertising their proximity in meters and yards to the grotto). If you can’t travel, stay on the websi…

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Evangelical Tells Beck He’s “Off The Reservation”

…Mormonism. They even read and ridiculed comments from people on Beck’s website, who indicated that they were Mormon. Decker said Beck has been “using terminology that Mormons manipulate. . . terms that have double meanings . . . and that now he’s getting into things right out of the Book of Mormonism itself.” Howse had been a big Beck (and David Barton) supporter—and Howse continues to believe that “Christians” should work with Beck when they agr…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…pter of Columbia University Law School. The Federalist Society never takes official positions on matters of jurisprudence and legal reasoning. It never participates in court proceedings, submits no amicus briefs and never serves as legal counsel. Which leads to the insistent claims of legal conservatives that the organization and its originalist methods are politically and substantively neutral. Of course, there’s more than a little bait-and-switc…

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Porn-Again Christians: What Happens When a Biblical Literalist Launches a Sex Site?

…r, for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians. I don’t think my site was on the web for five minutes before I started receiving hate mail demanding that I take the site down because it was an affront to God. I was told then, and many still say even today, that there’s no such thing as a “gay Christian” because the two are mutually exclusive. I developed a fairly deep and sophisticated theology around why being gay (or lesbian, or bi, or…

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Gun Ownership as Sin—A Strategic, Secular Proposal for Gun Reform

…trilogy might well have borne that name. Guns have always symbolized “the frontier.” And for vast numbers of Americans, the cultural idea and ideal of the frontier have symbolized what they think their nation is all about. Out on the frontier, the classic story goes, a man simply must have a gun and the freedom to use it. He couldn’t survive without it. He needs it to get food for his family and to defend them in times of danger. But as long as p…

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A New Frontier for Democrats and Religion?

In remarks after his meeting with Secretary of State of the Holy See Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State John Kerry, the first Catholic to visit the Vatican in several decades, emphasized the role of the Pope in peacemaking, international religious freedom, and combatting poverty. Kerry’s remarks, and indeed the visit itself, ring of the sort of religiously-inflected politics that he sought to embrace as a presidential candidate. “On a personal le…

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Death in the Desert: Riding With the Samaritans

…hed immigrants into more rugged regions further west on the Tohono O’odham reservation. The increase in deaths coincides with Arizona’s recent bitter legal fight over HB 1070, the law signed in April which places the burden on individuals to prove they are in the country legally and preempts federal authority in enforcing immigration law. A federal judge issued an injunction in July against most of the law’s provisions until its constitutionality…

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