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Skip Wait 1800-299-7264 Spirit Airlines Customer Service Phone Number

An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

Dear Mr. Smisek: Delayed flights, telephone customer care wait times, negotiations between United Continental Holdings and its employees: these are among the things with which this letter is not concerned, you may be relieved to know. Perhaps you would agree that in the final analysis, such things are of no concern. No, Mr. Smisek, this message is not the grievance of a disgruntled customer. It is a witness to an abomination. It is a plea for spi…

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Why the Hell Does Hell Still Matter?

…. The common claim that hell has been on the outs in America since at least 1800 is simply untrue. If anything, 1800 represented a turning point in the other direction. The idea of universal salvation had appealed to both elites like Chauncy and common folk in the late-1700s. The promise that all humans would eventually be saved represented an extreme backlash against the dominant Calvinist notion that God chose only some for heaven. Universal sal…

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Blame Series Bonus: Why We Want That Dish For Free, an Uncut Interview with Bertram Malle

…n’t have clear boundaries. Is it fair to say that one of the benefits of a customer service department is that it takes advantage of our psychological dispositions, preventing us from anthropomorphizing JetBlue as a single entity? All of a sudden we’re engaging with a particular person who seems distant from the event that has us calling in the first place? I think that’s an interesting idea. I think it depends entirely on how this person responds…

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This Veterans Day, the Centennial of the Unknown Soldier, Skip the Platitudes and Talk to a Veteran

…an veterans who have served since 9/11, 40% of whom live with a certified, service-connected disability. “Thank you for your service”—America’s current public piety of choice—is insufficient to the task. It smacks of the obligatory and it leaves the person on the receiving end unknown, their service reified and past-tense. It’s time to leaven that ritual platitude with some authentic civic reflection, some historical and situational awareness, and…

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Obama To Skip Golden Temple: Part of A Larger Problem With Religion

The New York Times reports that during President Obama’s upcoming visit to India, he will not visit a Sikh temple because he might be perceived as Muslim. The idea of president as professor and president as uniter is now officially dead. The mere fact that such a consideration would come into play tells us how much we fail to adequately talk about religion except as a political tool. Since the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama’s supporters have c…

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Skip the Sexy Nun Costume This Halloween

…rated individuals like women religious, who devote themselves to religious service, and wear specific clothing as part of their religious calling. Before the profession of religious vows, Sister Allison tells us, there’s a ceremony attended by the community where a new sister is blessed with special prayers and receives her habit for the first time. Sr. Orianne Pietra René, another sister of the Daughters of Saint Paul, explains that the habit “mu…

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Is Refusal to Write Anti-Gay Cake Message a Violation of Religious Freedom?

…identity from action, although it’s an imperfect one given the social and spiritual and legal significant of a marriage. But still, it’s a worthwhile foil for thinking through the argument. So does the fact that I find the prayer service purpose hateful or objectionable, or in conflict with my own principles, change its legal implications? One argument might be that the baker’s rejection of the cake is not about religion, it’s about a secular val…

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Our Failure To Understand Ferguson: A Cognitive Explanation

…d have to buy new, full-price tickets to Iran. On the phone with JetBlue’s customer service line that night, my righteous fury dissipated quickly. Could JetBlue really be to blame for bad weather, or a mechanical problem, or whatever system error had made our flight impossible? Don’t I benefit regularly from this massive travel infrastructure that, like Lady Justice, doles its punishments out blindly? I accepted $100 in travel vouchers from a frie…

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Put Your Money Where Your Mind Is: A For-Profit Meditation Studio Opens in New York

…s a willingness to frame spiritual practice or ethical action as a kind of service. This service can be purchased.” There are key differences, though, between MNDFL and Unplug. Rinzler was born into the Shambhala world and taught meditation for 15 years; Yalof Schwartz decided to open Unplug before she began studying meditation at all. And MNDFL is more open about its spiritual dimensions, even if it describes itself as non-religious. Rinzler, unl…

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Spiritual Unplugging, Or What to Do When There is Wifi at the Ashram

…of a priest felt right. I wanted to make the priest’s total commitment to service, especially a service so rooted in wisdom, social justice, and peace. That this commitment entailed celibacy didn’t seem to matter—it was a sacrifice, after all. The vows only legitimated my deeper desire. Until I had a chance to live it out. Something about the politics of living in community coupled with the nobility of the cause—the work of God! – put a sour tast…

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