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Houston’s Pastor Subpoenas: A Meme Made for Fox News

…ctable parlaying of the incident into a conservative cause celebre. As Rachel Held Evans tweeted, “I support LGBT equality but the subpoena thing in Houston seems intrusive & counterproductive. Violates liberty + feeds persecution complex.” Rob Boston, Director of Communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said in a statement, “Government authorities have the right to subpoena pastors and even ask for sermons if there…

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The Gospel Gestalt: From Joyful Noise to Whitney Houston

…t takes place in a rural Southern church, and because its main characters deliver themselves of pious paeans to the sweet, sweet spirit summoned by soulful singing in the gospel tradition. As for music that sounds recognizably like what most people would consider “gospel,” there is very little to be heard here. Which to say, Joyful Noise is not so much about gospel music as it is energized by what I’ll call a gospel sensibility. I’ve written in th…

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Blankets, Booties, and Jesus: Spiritual War on the Uterus in Rick Perry’s Texas

…e is not over until abortion is made illegal, and, even after that, completely eliminated; the battle is not over until Planned Parenthood is put out of business. But beyond that, the battle is not over until communities themselves are “transformed.” The conversion of communities is an imperative even when abortion isn’t on the table. Grace Community Church pastor Steve Riggle, a board member of the Houston Area Pastors Council and prominent endor…

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The Myth of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Shooter Blinds Us to the Reality of White Supremacy

…of a lone killer. Such acts, like most of the mass shootings both here—in El Paso, Orange County, Pittsburgh—or abroad—in New Zealand or Norway—point unambiguously to “packs” of white supremacists or other radical collectives. We need to begin to regard such acts of terror with a “social” eye. In the past, in other contexts, Americans have shown themselves capable of seeing past the individual “lone wolf” to the collective “wolf pack.” In 1993, w…

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Orthodox TV Channel Offers Gays One-Way Ticket Out of Russia; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…needed to live free from violence and discrimination. ‘For a nation to develop well, every young person needs to be able to grow up in an environment that provides them with protection, love, and opportunities for personal growth – regardless of their differences,’ he said. GayStarNews also reports that last week the capital of Dili hosted the country’s first Pride parade, and said, “A Catholic nun who runs a shelter for vulnerable people, includ…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…the Federalist Society is a “pre-political” community, one derived from “self-evident” moral and religious truths that brook no compromise. The Federalist Society is pre-political (but definitely not nonpolitical) because the purpose of the organization is to nourish and establish within law students, in the infancy of their professional careers, the intellectual preconditions for future political and legal activity premised firmly on these “civi…

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Atheist Nazis? The Pope’s Cheap Atonement

…st pope with membership in a Nazi organization (the Hitler Youth), desperately wants us to believe that no Christian could have been a Nazi murderer. On one level, he’s right: Christian faith should prevent anyone from committing confiscation of property, deportation of neighbors, destruction of houses of worship, rape, torture, and murder. Indeed, there were Germans who could not reconcile their Christian faith with National Socialism’s anti-Semi…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…xico, who was detained by ICE agents on February 9 while she was inside an El Paso County courthouse, after a judge granted her a protective order against an ex-partner who was allegedly abusing her. Because El Paso is a sanctuary city, local officials believe that ICE agents were tipped off by the woman’s alleged abuser—the only other person who would have the specific information about her court date and a potential motive to report her to immig…

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Searching for Moral High Ground While Houston Drowns: A Perspective on the Lakewood Church Controversy

…rception assumes that magically, if an ultra-large megachurch opens as a shelter, then all will be made well. Magically. Henry Emerson Fosdick, former pastor of Riverside Church in New York famously preached that “God is not a cosmic bellboy for whom we can press a button to get things.” Yet, it appears as though much of American Christianity has, in essence, shaped God as one who answers to buttons that are pressed. Osteen’s feel-good messages ha…

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Mile-High Identity Politics: What We Can Learn From the Same-Sex Seating Controversy

…er that other clearly important categories are ignored or marginalized, namely religion. If the fundamental logic of cultural progressivism is that people get to choose the identity that matters to them and assign whatever meaning they see fit, then disqualifying religion effectively leaves out large groups of people. And those people have every right to point out the hypocrisy of the personal is political line of thinking when they are excluded….

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