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“We All We Got”: The Black Church As an Oasis in Baltimore’s Food Deserts

…tutions have failed. Rev. Brown, who heads Pleasant Hope Baptist Church in Baltimore, linked black farmers and urban growers in Maryland with local black churches to “pipeline fresh food into some of Baltimore’s most destitute communities.” Espousing a philosophy reminiscent of Marcus Garvey, BCFSN believes that only by creating our own food systems, can black Americans “define their own reality and name their own solutions.” The model has been su…

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On Maryland Marriage Equality, It’s Raven vs. Raven [UDPATED]

…TE: Marylanders for Marriage Equality put up their first TV ad, running in Baltimore, today. More below. Maryland voters vote on November 6 on Question 6, which both establishes civil marriage for same-sex couples, and religious protections for religious institutions opposed to it. If it passes, Maryland could be the first state in the nation to approve marriage equality by popular vote on a ballot question (similar measures are on the ballot in M…

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Maryland Governor says Support for Marriage Equality “Very Much Informed” by his Catholicism

Maryland. Needless to say, the Church hierarchy has a different take. The Baltimore Sun reports today that Baltimore Archbishop William Lori will co-host an anti-equality event on Wednesday night; his co-host is Derek McCoy, the Harry Jackson-affiliated head of the Maryland Marriage Alliance, which is leading opposition to marriage equality. Speaking to bloggers on a call organized by Marylanders for Marriage Equality, O’Malley said he was confid…

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The Two Faces of Maryland’s Anti-Equality Campaign

…equality law. One ad in particular is an example of the friendly face the Maryland Marriage Alliance is trying to put before voters. Baltimore Ravens football player Matt Birk says the campaign has “nothing to do with intolerance, hatred, or bigotry.” Says Birk, “Loving and accepting our gay and lesbian family and friends doesn’t mean we should redefine marriage.” But there was a very different message coming from the panelists who were hoping to…

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Maryland Voters Split on Marriage Equality, So Far

…rdo is hopeful because he has already seen hearts and minds changed within Maryland. When he appeared before Maryland lawmakers, he told them a story about a parish in the state that wanted to be welcoming to gays and lesbians. He advised them to study the issue. One man in the parish was against becoming a welcoming church, but agreed to do the study. When DeBernardo checked back a few months later, the man had experienced a change of heart. “He…

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Gay Marriage Measure Dies in Maryland

…s given some delegates reason enough to push the pause button and not make Maryland the sixth state to recognize marriage equality for its gay and lesbian citizens. It could be seen as a defeat, or a cowardly display by supporters—but Equality Maryland sees the move as an opportunity to do more education and mobilizing of supporters. “We are thankful that our legislative allies have taken such care with this vote,” the group said in a statement. “…

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‘Religious Freedom’ Rally Sets Stage for 1st Amendment Collision

…rd County south of the city, which is less urban and more white. But while Maryland is a heavily Democratic state (as is Cummings’ district), the Maryland Catholic Conference, the national Stand Up for Religious Freedom coalition, and the local anti-choice group Defend Life, had spread the word about the rally, attendees said. Hagen, a Third Order Lay Missionary of Charity (Mother Teresa’s order), told me she chose Cummings’ constituent office as…

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Is The Episcopal Church Driving Drunk?

…ocial media campaign demanding her prosecution. A local media upstart, the Baltimore Brew, has pursued the story aggressively, outpacing in both the scope and depth of coverage the more staid Baltimore Sun. The Bishop turned herself in on January 9th, and a tough judge set bail at an exceptionally high $2.5 million, noting Cook’s “indifference to life” and calling her a flight risk. A few days later, a defrocked priest, described as Cook’s “steady…

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Orthodox TV Channel Offers Gays One-Way Ticket Out of Russia; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…rthodox activists and modeled after Fox News, offered to pay for a one-way ticket overseas for gay people who want to emigrate. The channel was funded by Konstantin Maofeev, a billionaire known as “God’s oligarch” who dreams of Vladimir Putin becoming a Tsar. More from the BBC: In a video on its social media channels this week, Tsargrad TV called on gay people to compete for a one-way plane ticket overseas. “Just recently, California—the most libe…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…notions of “human dignity” and “human flourishing,” Catholic natural law—an 800-year-old tradition dating back to Thomas Aquinas—is a lens that offers utter clarity to conservative Catholic jurists, activists, policymakers, and scholars as they observe, describe, and engage the world. The power and sharpness of this lens allow them to confidently snap every human movement—every human desire and motive and act—into its divinely appointed and proper…

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