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Religion, Marriage, and Maine’s Tortured Soul

…ry exposes several myths promoted by the opponents of marriage equality in Maine, including that it was a Maine-based campaign when California-based Schubert-Flint was clearly calling the shots; and that it wasn’t about homosexuality, when religious objections to homosexuality were clearly a driver for many of the activists and leaders. At one campaign rally, for example, a speaker portrays the campaign as a spiritual battle against the devil hims…

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New Clashes in Portland Confirm that Christian Nationalism Remains a Clear and Present Danger

…ic.] abuses of [sic.] religious liberty.” He held one of these concerts in Portland on August 8, 2020, exactly a year prior to this past weekend’s event, where violence broke out between Feucht-supporting right-wing extremists and anti-fascist protesters. The date of these concerts alone, 8/8, should give us pause, since the number 88 is, as documented by the Anti-Defamation League, “a white supremacist numerical code for ‘Heil Hitler.’” And this…

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SCOTUS Seems to Think You Should Be Forced to Pay For Religious Education

…ed to pay for its activities? I agree. One of the Christian schools in the Maine case teaches that Islam is not a real religion. And it looks likely that the Supreme Court will force Mainers who don’t agree with that to send public money to support it. The right-wing majority on the Supreme Court is remaking free exercise law to force governments to fund Christian religion generally. That’s who’s going to benefit—the majority religion. Let’s close…

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“Make The Mass Latin Again”: The Pope Francis Backlash Comes Home

…pope elevated San Francisco’s auxiliary bishop Robert McElroy to bishop of San Diego, Cordileone’s former diocese. McElroy, like Cardinals Cupich and Tobin, is a “social justice” bishop who said in a talk last year that being judgmental is a “cardinal sin for religion,” and he has frequently put poverty, not abortion or same sex relationships, at the forefront of the issues he thinks Catholics should be most concerned about. Turmoil in the San Fra…

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Pricey Tickets, Cranky Citizens, and Priests Behind Bars as Philadelphia Prepares For Papal Visit

…to continue to shrink into the insularity and disorganization that caused the Philadelphia Archdiocese to decline so precipitously? It remains to be seen. Meanwhile, faithful Catholics and others who want to see the Pope may be losing heart. 10,000 tickets for the Pope’s Speech at Independence Mall sold out in two minutes on Tuesday, with 394k people trying their best to get a few. Tickets are already being scalped at $100 and up on craigslist. I…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…Court releases the Roe shackle. Defund the Family Planning Association of Maine. Amend Maine’s Constitution to define Marriage. Eliminate domestic partnerships and ignore pleas to create civil unions. Unleash Maine’s private sector to make Maine energy independent. End discrimination against private religious schools and home schools. ++++++++++ Resurgent Anti-Semitism in Wake of Wall Street Meltdown According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL),…

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Will San Francisco Ban Circumcision?

…ne for committing a misdemeanor. In order to get this proposal on the 2011 San Francisco city ballot, Schofield has to collect over seven thousand signatures—and thus far his campaign is not going very well. Quite to the contrary, the idea has caused a backlash, and not only in the American Jewish Community. The organized Jewish community in both California and throughout the U.S. rallied to condemn the proposed ban. Within a few days of Schofield…

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Mile-High Identity Politics: What We Can Learn From the Same-Sex Seating Controversy

…, not the fourth century … You’re not free to practice your religion in my airline seat.’ ‘This is male entitlement .. the height of male arrogance.’ One comment referred to this as a ‘back of the bus’ issue; as in, women being asked to move in such circumstances was tantamount to assigning them a lesser status as citizens and lower dignity as human beings. Other readers proposed that airlines set aside special seating for men requiring such accom…

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How a Powerful ‘Ex-Gay’ Pastor is Chasing the Latino Vote

…nization has spawned at least one affiliate, Alianza de Pastores Unidos de San Diego, whose members minister to largely Spanish-speaking audiences. It wasn’t always this way, of course, and it isn’t going to change overnight. Many of the southern white evangelical groups that remain entrenched in the national leadership of the religious right hail from a tradition that long maintained that separation of the races is central to the Bible’s plan. In…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…notions of “human dignity” and “human flourishing,” Catholic natural law—an 800-year-old tradition dating back to Thomas Aquinas—is a lens that offers utter clarity to conservative Catholic jurists, activists, policymakers, and scholars as they observe, describe, and engage the world. The power and sharpness of this lens allow them to confidently snap every human movement—every human desire and motive and act—into its divinely appointed and proper…

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