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As Sexual Abuse Scandal Breaks Open, Los Angeles Catholics Hear Words of Renunciation, Recrimination from Clergy

…also declared Cardinal Roger Mahony, his predecessor as the Archbishop of Los Angeles, “released” from his “administrative or public duties.” The National Catholic reporter called Gomez’s open rebuke of Mahony “remarkable” given for “br[eaking] with the unspoken but nearly ironclad rule of the culture of Catholic hierarchy that bishops do not publicly criticize other bishops.” For his part, Mahony responded to Gomez with an open letter published…

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Muslim Women Create a Mosque of Their Own in Los Angeles

…es like Ta’leef Collective while living in the Bay Area, she moved back to Los Angeles hoping to find a new spiritual home. During Ramadan in 2014, she sat in the women’s section of a local mosque listening to a talk. The air in the mosque was cold so she took her scarf from her head and wrapped it around her shoulders. “This woman came by and grabbed me by the shoulders,” Maznavi said. “She shook me and yelled at me [to cover my hair]. She wouldn…

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Hopping on the Meditation Brandwagon: “Heartfulness” Makes Landfall in Los Angeles

…that were profound and novel.” As anyone who’s spent considerable time in Los Angeles could attest to, there’s a palpable sense of “searching” here. The young and the unaffiliated—transplants and natives alike—are unmoored and perpetually sniffing out the next big thing that will give them fulfillment. Heck, the Heartfulness organization even received an official mayoral welcoming from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. Despite its self-described f…

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Pricey Tickets, Cranky Citizens, and Priests Behind Bars as Philadelphia Prepares For Papal Visit

…t get a ticket, this picture from my friends at Billy Penn shows just how close you can get to the altar—that dot in the distance in the background is where the altar will be. Photo by Anna Orso, for Billy Penn Yup, stay at home, post up, get your drinks and popcorn, and watch in your jammies. Much of the confusion and drama lies with the poor messaging of the World Meeting of Families and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Both have managed to make…

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Mile-High Identity Politics: What We Can Learn From the Same-Sex Seating Controversy

…held a black-only meeting to discuss racism (in collaboration with the African-American principal of the school), particular identities were marked as not-invited—namely, white, Asian, Latino, and other non-black students at the high school. Many cultural progressives supported the meeting, claiming that power issues in the broader culture and the long history of oppression of African Americans justified creating this protected space. There is a p…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…mise. The Federalist Society is pre-political (but definitely not nonpolitical) because the purpose of the organization is to nourish and establish within law students, in the infancy of their professional careers, the intellectual preconditions for future political and legal activity premised firmly on these “civilizational” values. What we discover beneath the floorboards, then, are the beams and joists of a systematic moral philosophy and theol…

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Atheist Nazis? The Pope’s Cheap Atonement

Adam Clayton Powell called it “cheap grace,” but we might call it “cheap atonement”: the effort by sinners to select which sins to acknowledge and repent. Pope Benedict XVI ended his heavily protested visit to England with a heartfelt apology for German bombings of England during the Battle of Britain; though he refused to accept Christian responsibility for the Holocaust, blaming it instead on pagans and atheists. Given that Cardinal Walter Kasp…

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From Christian Temperance to D.A.R.E. — The War on Drugs Has its Roots in White Christian Nationalism

…hat substance use of any kind degraded and degenerated individuals’ biological capacity for morality in catastrophic ways. Alcohol, opium, cocaine, peyote, and cannabis took otherwise good people and made monsters of them. By the twentieth century degeneracy theory had evolved into eugenics, a kind of scientific racism with serious implications for American culture, law, and moral norms. While degeneracy theory was considered valid science in the…

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The Sacred and the Dead: How an Iranian-Jewish Angeleno Discovered Her Tribe

…d the newly forming Islamic country and flocked to the United States, with Los Angeles having the highest concentration of Iranians in the United States. This is where my story begins. It was 1978 and my parents knew they had to leave Iran. They knew that the country was no longer a safe place for them. Unlike Iranians who tried to leave post-’79, our emigration was not dramatic. We applied for a green card and immediately left. We knew we had to…

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How Muslim Civic Activism Helped Pass California’s Prop 47

…vided politically along ethnic lines. Felicitas Galedary, president of the Los Angeles-based Latino Muslim Association of America (LALMA), described her organization’s efforts in support of Prop 47 as a “tiny step” out of its tightly drawn circle of engagement. Until last June, when Galedary, met with faith-community organizers from LA Voice, she had imagined that LALMA’s stretching its wings would simply involve learning how to provide social ser…

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