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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

…mecca for the minister, the birthplace of a new way of resistance and the “most transformative” experience of his life. Before 2014, McBride was not an activist, he explained. He was a spectator to the rising din of police brutality activism, and had “never protested a day in his life” until he came to Ferguson, he said. Now he has been to Ferguson for protest actions eight times, has been arrested by Missouri police, and leads regular trips to th…

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Louis C.K., Paige Patterson, and the White Male Forgiveness Charade

…attempted to take the heat off Louis by claiming the item was about them (most notably, Doug Stanhope), but it was generally understood that Louis C.K. was the comedian who exposed himself to the comedy duo Garfunkel and Oates. Around the same time, Paige Patterson, then president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (and former Southern Baptist Convention president) was advising women to stay in abusive marriages and to forgive their rap…

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Unmasking the “Veiled Prophet” Behind a 135-Year-Old St. Louis Tradition

…ete with majorettes and marching bands, this event likely did not look, to most spectators, much like a manifestation of “religion.” But the backstory of this ordinary-seeming street festival reveals elaborate connections between religious vocabulary and the policing of American racial boundaries, the power of capitalism and its reliance upon class distinction, the use of entertainment as a means to squelch labor unrest—not to mention arcane puber…

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Blame Series Bonus: How Federal Policy Created America’s Fergusons

…rents outside of their previous areas, but the vouchers were not usable in most places; they were usable in Ferguson. So large numbers of African Americans who were displaced by urban renewal, by slum clearance in the central city, moved outside the central city, north and west, into places like Ferguson. Since African Americans were prohibited from living in most other places, those communities became predominantly or nearly all black. So that’s…

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Pricey Tickets, Cranky Citizens, and Priests Behind Bars as Philadelphia Prepares For Papal Visit

…valed Boston or New York. The same month Pope Benedict announced the next WMOF, Monsignor Lynn of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia became the first diocesan administrator convicted in the United States of re-assigning pedophile priests. Lynn was recently incarcerated at Curran Freehold Prison, the prison that Pope Francis will visit in Philadelphia—but the priest was moved at the end of July 2015. When there is a possibility of the Pope visiting Ca…

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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…ssed your support for the repeal of “Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell”—but for me, the most significant part of your story is how you were able to think for yourself, have the courage to disagree with people who had supported you, who respected you, and looked to you as a leader. Because I can respect views that are different from mine what’s maddening and, I think, paralyzing for our public discourse today is the large number of people who cling to beliefs w…

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Mile-High Identity Politics: What We Can Learn From the Same-Sex Seating Controversy

…imes the person with the better seat was asked, sometimes s/he offered. In most situations, the person moving to the worse seat appeared happy to accommodate. Moreover, the surrounding passengers acted as if that individual had done something noble. Interestingly, several responders noted situations in which they had moved for other passengers, suggesting that Times readers, like the general population of air travelers, are willing to accommodate…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…normous influence upon the membership of the Federalist Society. The three most right-wing justices on the Supreme Court—Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Samuel Alito—are adherents of natural law moral philosophy. During his Senate confirmation hearings in 1991, Clarence Thomas weathered critical questioning about how his natural law commitments to Declarationism—a contentious philosophy propounded by natural law theorists Harry Jaffa and Hadley…

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“The Gift of Gay”: Father Matthew Kelty, Confessor to Thomas Merton, Dies at 96

…nt further discussion, he was also a gay priest who came out in one of his most eloquent essays at the ripe old age of ninety. We will not soon see the likes of such monks again. Father Matthew’s story is not as well-known as it deserves to be, in large measure because his story was so deeply intertwined with the story of Thomas Merton (1915-1968), arguably the most famous monk that the Abbey of Gethsemani, and American Catholicism, ever produced….

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Atheist Nazis? The Pope’s Cheap Atonement

…through their manipulative readings of scriptures and history. One of the most egregious and best-documented examples is, of course, the behavior of German Christians during the Third Reich. Pope Benedict could gain the respect of world opinion by acknowledging what historians have amply demonstrated: that well-intentioned, pious Christians—and not just atheists—committed heinous acts. Christian teachings are no guarantee against atrocity and, in…

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