Did the Church Create or Co-Opt Human Rights?
After Ireland made history in May 2015 by becoming the first country to legalize same-sex…
Read MoreAfter Ireland made history in May 2015 by becoming the first country to legalize same-sex…
Read MoreNo, we can’t simply thank anti-communist, anti-Enlightenment Catholics for the elevation of human rights language.
Read MoreReaders of my last post, and readers of English more generally, could be forgiven for…
Read MoreHistorian Samuel Moyn argues that the history of “human rights” begins only in the twentieth century—and it may owe more to Christianity than to secular ideals.
Read MoreIf harm to others is cultural chauvinism, sign me up.
Read MoreMy previous post on corporate personhood ended by asking for a principled reason why we…
Read MoreAccording to one common reaction to Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the Court set a precedent…
Read MoreLast week the Supreme Court succeeded in deciding a case that it said was too…
Read MoreU.S. conservatives join forces with authoritarian regimes at the UN to resist LGBTQ rights
Read MoreHaving banned the Muslim Brotherhood and exercised increased control of religious activities at mosques, the military-led regime…
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