Getting Porn Users Plugged Into Church

That’s the, erm, rising idea of two evangelical ministries:

Two churches – one with a technological edge and another you may call a porn outreach expert – have partnered to help online users searching for porn find a community of support instead. and are hosting beginning Sunday to provide those with a pornography addiction a non-threatening and anonymous environment to deal with the challenge.

Okay, so they’re trying to connect people looking for sexytime with more fulfilling pursuits and relationships. That’s the theory, anyway.

But “plugging in” porn users? Really?

For that matter, since when is there a problem getting porn users to go to church? Admitted smut-hounds, now that’s a different story. But I have no doubt that more than one of the people sitting in my pews is secretly but intimately familiar with the Skinemax soft-core ouevre.

And if this doesn’t wiggle the eyebrows on your dirty little mind, I don’t know what will:

Following each session, short-term small groups specifically supporting people who are dealing with pornography will be available for people to get plugged into.

I’m sure they will.