Muslim Anti-Semitism

After September 11, 2001, I was told to renounce, deplore, and condemn the actions of 19 crazed Arabs who acted in the name of Islam. I did so because the loss of innocent life is abhorrent to any believing Muslim; I decried the violence as an act of faith.

Now, I speak out against the bombings in Iraq, because the loss of innocent life is abhorrent to any believing Muslim. I decry the violence as an act of faith.

I am against the destruction in Afghanistan, because the loss of innocent life is abhorrent to any believing Muslim. I decry the violence as an act of faith.

I was outraged at the Mumbai attacks, because the loss of innocent life is abhorrent to any believing Muslim. I decried the violence as an act of faith.

Non-Muslims tell me it is not enough, that Islam is a violent faith and that I am the aberration who believes in peace. Co-religionists tell me that I am a one-trick pony who is used to mask the grave injustices committed against Muslims across the world; the “house Muslim,” if you will.

Now I condemn the violence in Israel and Gaza, because the loss of innocent life is abhorrent to any believing Muslim. I decry the violence as an act of faith. For this I am labelled anti-Semitic.

What home now for the Muslim who believes that religion does not divide, but is a force for peace?