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Too Hot for Shul: Rabbis Seek Healthy Israel Dialogue After Gaza

…Israeli left has always been more critical of the Israeli government than American Jews. “I think American Jews continue to still have a desire and a belief and a strong sense that Israel is a land of peace and does want peace,” said Grater. He added that American Jews have “blinders,” and that “we have a hard time believing” that “this great country that’s been a dream of our ancestry for thousands of years really might be doing things we disapp…

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2022 American Values Survey Offers Some Good News — And Some Bad

…all cases. That’s a remarkable decline from the previous highwater mark of 19% set in 2014. It would seem that there is an American consensus on social issues, then, and it’s mostly a liberal one. But that’s not always the case. 68% believe that contemporary citizens bear little or no responsibility for American slavery or its continued effects; while 62% believe that there are only two genders—although many don’t have strong opinions on the subj…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…es, and teachings if they want a reductionist argument they can spin out in 800 words. As someone who has studied and written about Pentecostalism for over 15 years, their lack of basic knowledge is staggering, and although I don’t expect people to get it like I do, I do expect reporters and journalists to do their homework—like you do, Sarah! This lack of “homework” has also led to a whole cottage industry of those who write about dominionism, th…

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‘Anti-Romeo’ Vigilante Squads Target Men Suspected Of Being Gay; More in the Global LGBT Recap

…lations will face a maximum sentence of 100 lashes or pay a maximum fine of 1,000 grams of pure gold or face 100-month imprisonment. The ICJR says it regrets the impact of the implementation of Qanun Jinayat in Aceh. This case will increase the stigma against LGBT people in the province, it further says. Tanzania: Profile of activist struggle with anti-LGBT crackdown NewsDeeply’s Women and Girls profiles Queen M, a transgender woman who is “fighti…

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Trump’s Inaugural Address Gets an “F” in American Civil Religion

…elation of sovereignty to power, citizens to the state, that characterizes American politics. Sovereignty, in American politics, is rooted in the people. Rather than resting in a monarch, American popular sovereignty is a matter of negotiation and compromise, a matter of relation. Not only does such popular sovereignty not look much like the old-school, European variety—which gets shorthanded as “tyranny” in our founding documents—it is also an id…

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Are American Christians “Persecuted”?

…hey don’t have it as bad as gays in ISIS-held territory. So let’s put that cheap argument to bed. At Patheos, Benjamin Corey shakes that cheap argument awake: Can we stop complaining about this bogus idea that American Christians are persecuted now? I mean, really. Can we stop? The world needs us to turn from ourselves and focus on this real persecution, because it’s evil and must be exposed and stopped. However, our own self-centeredness as Ameri…

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“Hey You! Anti-Semite!”: A Jewish Krewe does Mardi Gras

…emitic humor may hint at anxiety about being too well assimilated into the American mainstream. In the 19th and much of the 20th century, the challenge of the American Jewish community was how to become fully American. But synagogues and Jewish community organizations have a much different challenge today: How to remain Jewish, how to cultivate and nurture strong ties to Jewish community, identity, and culture. We have a long history, deep traditi…

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A Shining City: The Occupy Movement and the American Soul

…way. Or, at least so it has usually been since the Reagan ascendency of the 1980s, with middle-class Americans curiously reorienting their dreams away from what might reasonably be attainable for pretty much everyone and toward a level of affluence available to ordinary people only through a freakish, high-stakes contortion of the economy. Now that the curtain’s been pulled back on the false wizardry of a deregulated financial system, and American

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Hookers for Jesus: Sex and Salvation on the Strip

…anywhere. Equipped with gift bags full of beauty products and Bibles, she offers support and encouragement, and an invitation to church. “I’m serious about this,” she tells one woman who stuffs Lobért’s business card into her bra. “God really does love you and he loves girls like us. And you know what? You don’t have to quit working. You can come to church. Just like you are.” Despite their sincere efforts, Lobért and Hookers for Jesus have drawn…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…s about Muslims. King told Gaffney on his radio program, for example, that American Muslims don’t “unite as Americans” in times of war. Zuhdi Jasser, an Arizona physician whom conservatives frequently highlight as their example of a true “moderate” Muslim, and who will reportedly be a key witness for King, says in Gingrich’s movie, “if anyone wants to find a Muslim voice, you’re going to find that it appears monolithic.” He, like Gaffney, claims t…

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