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How the Catholic Church Changed the Movies

…llywood Censored. The code they designed became the Motion Picture Conduct Code, popularly know as the Hays Code after it was adopted by William Hays, a Presbyterian elder who was hired by the major studios to help clean up the industry’s image after it was rocked by a series of scandals. The code, says Black, “was a fascinating combination of Catholic theology, conservative politics and pop psychology—an amalgam that would control the content of…

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Competing Visions of Family & Freedom at UN; Methodists Try to Avoid Schism on Sexuality; Catholic Cardinal Denounces LGBT ‘Demonic Ideology’; Global LGBT Recap

…he event. During his remarks, he singled out for praise the governments of Sudan and Saudi Arabia, saying they had each intervened at crucial moments to “save” UN documents from unwanted language on the family. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom calls Saudi Arabia “uniquely repressive” when it comes to religious freedom, and says Sudan “represses and marginalizes the country’s minority Christian community.” That same evening at t…

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Chris Christie Apologizes. . . For Saying Something True

…elf: Not long after his speech, Christie met with Adelson privately in the casino mogul’s office in the Venetian hotel and casino, which hosted the RJC meeting. The source told POLITICO that Christie “clarified in the strongest terms possible that his remarks today were not meant to be a statement of policy.”  Instead, the source said, Christie made clear “that he misspoke when he referred to the ‘occupied territories.’ And he conveyed that he is…

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Gingrich Downplays Adelson Money, Stokes Fear of “Second Holocaust” at Florida Church

…who had given a brief speech about his opposition to the the expansion of casino gambling in Florida, about the $10 million funding of the super PAC Winning Our Future by casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson and his wife. Gingrich first claimed that there’s no super PAC coordination between him and his “friend” Adelson, and then emphasized that Adelson’s “passion in life is the survival of Israel.” He and Adelson are in agreement, Gingrich said, “that I…

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American Indians Irate over Bin Laden Code Name “Geronimo”

…og that he felt that Custer or Columbus would have been a more appropriate code name for bin Laden, and that the use of Geronimo was just another example of how “We’ve been reduced to caricatures as mascots and entertainment in sports and media.”  In fact, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee held hearings recently on American Indians and racist stereotypes, and one of the first items of business was a discussion of why this particular code name wa…

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…n between the rich and poor didn’t play prominently, either in the event’s promos or at the stadium rally itself. PK did offer a “pay what you can afford” program to woo low-income rally-goers, and it also urged attendees to bring food donations for the Denver Rescue Mission. At the rally itself, there was no sustained talk about the spiritual or political effects of the global financial crisis, but there was a call to support something called the…

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State Department Finds Religion, But Whose?

…ears in a row, as US policy evolved to support the country’s division into Sudan and South Sudan in 2010. But the law plays virtually no role in US policy toward Saudi Arabia, given that, for 15 years, the president has waived sanctions on the basis of US national security interests.) More recently, people generally mean that the US should engage “religious actors,” particularly groups on the ground in the Global South. Sometimes these groups are…

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Why the Next Archbishop of Canterbury Should Be African

…uickly. In the world’s newest nation, South Sudan, the Episcopal Church of Sudan is a critical voice for peace in a divided and unstable nation. Nearly half the population identifies as Anglican, following rapid growth during the country’s recently-ended civil war. Across southern Africa, the Anglican Church, following the model of its onetime leader Desmond Tutu, continues to be a voice of reconciliation in countries like Zimbabwe. Meanwhile, of…

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The Intellectual Source Code For National Conservatism Can Be Found at This Niche Catholic Publication

…cultural conservatism in the United States. The foundation of this source code (the motherlode of the code, as it were) is Catholic natural law moral philosophy. Natural law is the 800-year-old Thomist tradition that absorbs (from revelation and scripture) and communicates (into public discourse and legal practice) a quite specific understanding of the human individual as the summit of God’s creation. First Things has hosted some of the most impo…

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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…na Berkouwer, Azza Sultan, and Amar Yehia have published “Homosexuality in Sudan and Egypt: Stories of the Struggle for Survival” in the Harvard Kennedy School’s LGBTQ Policy Journal. Gay and lesbian Sudanese and Egyptians struggle daily to cope with the constant fear, discrimination, and physical abuse that they and their peers face, harboring a relentless feeling of hopelessness in the face of a relatively conservative society, with a majority M…

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