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Democratic Egypt Tests a Divided Israel                             

…s. Chief among them was that his call for a democratic shift in the Middle East represented a position Israel had to support even as it knew, for at least two reasons, that it would not necessarily be “good for the Jews.” First, if another true democracy did emerge in the Arab Middle East, Israel’s exceptionalist claim would essentially disappear. And second, given the anti-Israel and Islamist sentiment in the Arab street, Israel knows that an Ara…

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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…ek, I found myself thinking about Zoe in relation to Lawrence Lessig’s Law/Code distinction. Lessig uses the example of speeding. You can make it against the law to speed, and we have the free choice to violate the law and face the consequences. You can program the car so that it can not exceed the speed limit and you take away that free will, except for those who have the capacity to hack the code and reprogram the car. We normally think of robot…

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The Biblical Money Code!

…financial experts is to stress that Jesus talked a lot about money—not because money makes a nice metaphor for spiritual rewards, but because, according to Hyman, “the carpenter from Nazareth was a shrewd businessman.” Throughout the hour-long video I kept wondering what the angle was; it finally came, of course, towards the end of the seemingly endless 60 minutes. Hyman is selling subscriptions to his monthly “Ultimate Wealth Report”—one year, al…

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Egyptian Da Vinci Code Author Angers Coptic Christians

…’t matter what religion you are, there are fanatics on both sides,” he argues. This is the crux of the matter, he and other advocates for free speech believe. Communities cannot demand full rights and then at the same time “revert back to the same strategies they would find abhorrent because it might offend. This is literature and art, it isn’t for everyone, but we can never censor a text because the point might not be agreeable to all,” adds the…

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The Passion of Katniss: How the Hunger Games Confronts the Trauma of Violence

…e of social and community values in pictures.” For the next 38 years, that code shaped Hollywood’s output. The Production Code insisted that movies were primarily “to be regarded as entertainment” that would “improve the race.” As such, movies should avoid explicit images that would be upsetting or play to “the lower and base element.” Those images included graphic violence, “excessive passion,” “white-slavery,” “scenes of actual child birth,” and…

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Controversy Over Jay Shetty’s Authenticity Masks the Bigger Question: Why is the West Drawn to Such Figures Over and Over Again?

…he secrets of the East. Shetty presents his spirituality in hazy terms because that’s all his followers want and require. The use of a term like “Vedic” is enough—it’s foreign, sounds ancient, and feels “authentic.” When actor Dax Shepherd, in defense of his podcast episode on Shetty, identifies Shetty as an “expert in religions from India” without explaining what religions or how he’s an expert, he reveals what all Shetty’s followers desire—a non…

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Was Prof Wrong to Ask Students to Not Thank God?

…uestion, that she’s not really interested in how my day is going. Why? Because the unwritten code allows me to interpret the “official” question as a simple polite gesture. I thus respond accordingly, “Great. And you?” If, however, I were actually to take the question seriously, perhaps launching into a diatribe over what a horrible day I am having, that would constitute a violation of the unwritten code, perhaps creating a rather awkward situatio…

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Israel Under Bush: The Islamophobia Years

…Hebrew) for the United States to begin to help rebuild a part of the world that it has worked so diligently to help destroy. Photo by flickr user jamestraceur, used under a Creative Commnons license….

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Safety Not Guaranteed

…y. We decide to stay. * That afternoon, before the storm hit, I had walked east into the Red Zone. Three yellow school buses were idling at the entrance of the Jacob Riis House, public housing near the river, to transport residents to emergency shelters. There were only a few hours left but I didn’t see many people getting on. I asked a woman with the leathery face of a smoker who was walking her small dog in the already strong wind outside the bu…

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Seventh-Day Adventists & Gay ‘Cures’; Legal Victory for Kenyan LGBTs; Political, Religious Leaders Spar on LGBT Issues in UK; Global LGBT Recap

…s comments that children should not be brought up by a same-sex couple because they would be “far more likely to be abused or neglected.” Also this week, the Church of Scotland warned that ministers who refuse to conduct same-sex weddings could be “vulnerable to legal challenge” under the European Convention on Human Rights.” India: Transgender rights bill advances A transgender rights bill passed the upper house of Parliament, a year after India’…

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