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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…lation to Wilson, shows that fringe voices have moved into the mainstream. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president, Albert Mohler, among the more polished patriarchal authoritarians, recalls that when Roe v. Wade was overturned, “whatever commitment there was to the pro-life cause, was much less ontological than we had thought.” The conclusion to draw, he explains, is that conservatism must be grounded in a deeper “ontology”—another common…

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Religious Hostility to Gay Nigerians; The Pope’s Visit To Africa; Ireland’s Religious Schools Can’t Discriminate Against Gays; Orthodox Church in Georgia Leads Anti-Gay Forces; Global LGBT Recap

…Rome, according to the Wall Street Journal. “The Catholic Church is a very African institution in Africa,” says Gina Zurlo, associate director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. “When people are looking at Catholicism, they can say, ‘I can still be African and Catholic at the same time.’ You don’t have to become Western.” … Africa looks set to remain the Catholic Church’s bea…

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Will Pope’s African Tour Change Attitudes on Divorce and LGBTQ Among African Catholics?

…ies in Africa. Father Russell Pollitt, director of the Jesuit Institute in South Africa, says that complexities of African family life affect how people participate in the church as well. He says African bishops may claim that divorce is not an issue, “but when I was working in a parish it was an issue.” In rural areas, however, “it is not so easy to get divorced, as marriage in rural places is often between two families and not two individuals. “…

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Abstract image of light waves.

‘Spooky Action’ of Quantum Physics Offers an Alternative Frame for War in the Middle East and the 2024 Election

…ld, in which the availability of sharp-edged nodes of resistance and reaction at local and regional levels have tilted the world dramatically toward a cycle of decline. They’re like the pebbles in a gathering landslide. None of this guarantees Trump and Republicans will reclaim power in 2024. The possibility is still best classified as a strong maybe. But the map of hyperlocalism is blinking red around the world. And to the extent that events—such…

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Media Fail to Acknowledge That 2024 Hopeful Ron DeSantis is as Catholic as Biden

…of Ron DeSantis, Florida’s rabidly culture-warring governor and a possible 2024 frontrunner for the Republican presidential candidate, as a Catholic politician. He clearly is one, although documenting the ins and outs of how DeSantis’s faith intersects with his politics requires digging much deeper than coverage in the legacy media or cable news. As a child, DeSantis, a descendant of Italian immigrants, attended Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Schoo…

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The Right is Using the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Search to Martyr Trump and Maintain the Violent Myth of the Big Lie

…ou have basically guaranteed him the nomination for the Republican Party in 2024, and you’re going to give him a big weapon to go after Joe Biden or, you know, whatever Democrat emerges in 2024 if they don’t convict him. While it’s wrongheaded to worry about riling up Trump’s base if there’s evidence he committed criminal offenses, I think Jennings is right to a degree. The stakes are high in this case—for Attorney General Merrick Garland, Preside…

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The Dark Side of BYU’s Honor Code

…reating serious backlash among BYU students and faculty. Since then, Honor Code enforcement has been conducted through referrals—even third party referrals—of suspect students to a campus Honor Code office, a system of enforcement that has created significant opportunities for abuse. (When I was a BYU student, it was possible to make an anonymous third-party referral.) Honor Code enforcement on campus has been used to bait and target gays and libe…

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Indonesian Clerics Issue Anti-Gay Fatwa; Anti-Civil Union Peruvian Lawmaker Cites Hitler; Is Christianity more ‘un-African’ than Homosexuality?; Global LGBT Recap

…lish and liberally quoting the Bible can dare indict anything for being un-African.” In a report from South Sudan, the Guardian’s Antony Loewenstein reports on the anti-gay agenda often connected to evangelical churches’ missionary work. He cites American evangelist Franklin Graham as an example: Samaritan’s Purse, run by Franklin Graham, son of the Christian evangelist Billy Graham, has a large presence in Africa and been active in Sudan since 19…

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Challenge to ‘un-Africanness’ of homosexuality; LGBT Catholics in Africa face church cooperation with persecution; lesbian cartoon project debuts in bangladesh under shadow of violence; Global LGBT Recap

…ll African LGBT people it puts our lives in imminent danger. It is used in South Africa to rape lesbians. It is used to pass laws and to jail, threaten or kill gay rights activists. It is used to dehumanise LGBT people across Africa and legitimise the hate that we face. It is the reason I receive death threats, which ultimately drove me into exile from my home in Nigeria. As long as the notion that homosexuality is un-African persists, Kenyatta wi…

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Broadcast Officials in China Censor Gay TV Characters

…the law, while completely missing the fundamental message. I am happy the South African Church is now accepting and welcoming everyone including us homosexuals. However, I will not rest until all of Africa, and the entire world has followed in their Christian footsteps, and shown love and acceptance to LGBTI people everywhere. Human rights lawyer Walter Atoh has written an open letter to the president of Cameroon, Paul Biya, urging him to take ac…

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