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The Story of a Post-Holocaust Group Seeking Revenge Against Nazis is Part of the Story of Israel Itself

…one, but naive utopianism can be. That understanding may be why the recent Israeli elections shocked American Jews more than Israelis. Kahanists came into power who are toying with West Bank annexation, deporting Palestinian citizens of Israel, and banning non-Orthodox converts from the Law of Return. From the perspective of democracy, this is chilling, but if the founding principle of the state is Jewish sovereignty and security, then the calcula…

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Are We Seeing the End of the ‘Good Arabs’ in Israel?

…tival. Hamas then saw this as an opening to fire thousands of rockets into Israel. Israel responded with bombs of its own. Each claims the other started it, as if that matters. In short, déjà vu all over again. But this time there was a new element. Arab riots in Israel proper, in Arab-Jewish towns like Lod, mostly Arab towns such as Akko, and Israeli cities like Haifa, emerged seemingly from nowhere. This then resulted in settlers being bussed to…

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Diplomatic Suckerhood: Why Israel Is Fighting Toward its Own Demise

…he fact. That was obvious as far back as the Persian Gulf War of 1991 when Israel was hit with a number of Iraqi missiles the Israeli government, which always boasts that it will respond harshly to any attack, did nothing because Washington put up a big red light. Washington appears to be flashing the red light once again. According to the Washington Times, “a senior Israeli official said that Israel has not asked for US aid or permission [to atta…

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Palin Talks Israel in Anticipation of 2012

…the Gaza Flotilla, in which nine activists were killed, “sold out our ally Israel.”   Yediot Aharonot, Israel’s largest circulation daily, reported in a mid-November article titled “Yay Sarah!,” that the former governor is planning a trip to Israel. In that article Orly Azulai, the Yediot reporter, was impressed by Palin’s speeches to Jewish groups, in which she reminds her listeners that she always kept an Israeli flag on the windowsill of her of…

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Israel-Hamas is Not a Religious War and This is Not Your Rapture

…er, one that argues for Israeli violence as godly in contrast to the “anti-Israel” of Hamas. The Israeli army gave over a million Palestinians 24 hours to evacuate the northern half of the Gaza Strip. Journalists were shelled on the Lebanese border, UN workers killed, hospitals incapacitated. The Gospel Coalition finds all of this normal, even laudable, because it fits their theological framework. But give the article its due. Immediately after gl…

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west bank mural

A One-State Solution for Israel and Why It Will Work

…nyahu Will Make History’), that there is either ‘only one state,’ in which Israel ‘cannot be Jewish,’ or a two-state solution, an Israel and Palestine living side-by-side. Get over it, folks. Not happening. The time for a two-state solution passed in the previous millennium. Friedman didn’t just miss the window of opportunity, he’s missed the closing credits, too. It’s highly unlikely Israel will uproot its settlers, especially considering the str…

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Unquestioned Support for Israel Wasn’t Always the Way for Conservative Christians

…of men… Israel was created by an act of God!” Today, Christians United for Israel is the largest US-based pro-Israel organization and claims approximately 10 million members. Its network of operations includes government relations and lobbying, church and pastoral outreach, a college campus program, and an Israel experience for public figures. As a Christian Zionist organization, it espouses an ideology that sees the state of Israel and its expans…

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Israel’s Immigration Debate: “Where is the Jewish Spirit?”

…culous creation of the Jewish state and about Jewish holidays. They played Israeli games and sang Israeli songs, dressed up on Purim and ate Matzoh on Passover. An Age-Old Dispute What is the proper Jewish answer to these children? If you ask Interior Minister Eli Yishai, of Shas, an Israeli haredi political party with a constituency of traditional-minded Jewish immigrants or children of immigrants from Muslim countries, all 1,200 should be deport…

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Making ‘The Link’: AIPAC’s New Crises

…event of the year to meet, network, and hear speaker after speaker praise Israel and the US-Israel relationship. On the final “lobbying” day of the conference, attendees travel en masse to Capitol Hill to communicate their ideas and concerns to Congress. The focus of this year’s conference was supposed to be Iran. The threat to Israel’s security posed by Iran has been a central concern of AIPAC for over a decade now, but the last year has seen an…

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Liberals Agree, Israel is Greatest Thing Since Sliced Challah

…he settlements, appear to love them no more.” Thus if negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians break down, Israel is off the hook since “the truth is more complicated.” Its citizens’ intentions, in any case, are in the right place (they love the settlements no more!) and all is well with the world—in this particular worldview anyway. Immediately following the list of what’s not wrong with (and what is right about) Israel, Goldberg writes: “I…

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