Scott Walker’s Faith-Based Anti-Government Rhetoric

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s Christian faith is well known, but he may also be getting his talking points from more than just David Koch. According to Matt Rothschild of the Progressive, Walker may believe he is being led by God to bust unions and kill collective bargaining rights.

The article quotes Walker as saying:

“The way to be complete in life is to fully and unconditionally turn your life over to Christ as your personal lord and savior and to make sure that every step of every day is one that you trust and obey, and keep looking out to the horizon to the path that Christ is calling you to follow and know that ultimately he’s going to take you home both here at home and ultimately far beyond.”

Fourteen months later, at his inaugural prayer breakfast, Walker said, “The Great Creator, no matter who you worship, is the one from which our freedoms are derived, not the government.”

In a lunch talk to the Christian Business Men’s Committee in 2009, he spoke of his learning the meaning of the hymn Trust and Obey. While he says his obedience doesn’t relate necessarily to politics, it’s still an interesting statement. Perhaps it’s this kind of authoritarian worldview that is really what’s guiding him, as opposed to biblical principles regarding worker’s rights.