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An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

…t will forever mark the arrival of the jazz idiom—and with it the bluesy sinews of the American soul—to the hallowed halls of Western art music, smothered under a featureless musical goo and carried off to further mutilations I will not relate here. Mr. Smisek, I am not a religious person. If I can be said to adhere to any confession, it is that primordial, preliterate one that has sprung forth everywhere ever since we beings were human: the coven…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…s of being shot.”  • June 8, 1867, New York City At Public School No. 18. A 13-year-old lad brought a pistol loaded and capped, without the knowledge of his parents or schoolteachers, and shot and injured a fellow classmate. • December 22, 1868, Chattanooga, Tennessee. A boy who refused to be whipped left school, and returned with his brother and a friend the next day to seek revenge on his teacher. Not finding the teacher at the school, they cont…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…notions of “human dignity” and “human flourishing,” Catholic natural law—an 800-year-old tradition dating back to Thomas Aquinas—is a lens that offers utter clarity to conservative Catholic jurists, activists, policymakers, and scholars as they observe, describe, and engage the world. The power and sharpness of this lens allow them to confidently snap every human movement—every human desire and motive and act—into its divinely appointed and proper…

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Atheist Nazis? The Pope’s Cheap Atonement

…n German Church Life,” financed by the Protestant church. They published a new version of the New Testament, purged of positive references to Jews and Judaism, redefined Jesus as an Aryan Galilean, and downplayed the role of the Jewish apostle Paul. In addition to their New Testament they distributed a dejudaized hymnal and catechism to churches throughout the Nazi Reich. Grundmann argued that Jesus’ intimacy with God established a morality that w…

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Put Your Money Where Your Mind Is: A For-Profit Meditation Studio Opens in New York

…e romance with Eastern spirituality,” Michelle Goldberg wrote last year on “For well over a century,” she continued, “business-minded Americans have been transforming Hindu and Buddhist contemplative practices into an unlikely prosperity gospel.” Prosperity gospels and contemporary mindfulness practice share a profound belief in the power of the mind. Redirect your faith, prosperity gospel preachers claim, and you will be rewarded w…

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Norwegian Catholic Church May Stop Civil Marriages; Global LGBT Recap

…GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) met in Nairobi, Kenya from April 18-21. They made plans to training bishops and prepared for GAFCON 2018, which will be the 10th anniversary of the conservative Anglican manifesto, the Jerusalem Declaration, and the third GAFCON conference. According to a GAFCON communique: We are excited to announce that the new chairman of the Primates’ Council is the Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh, Primate of the Anglican Chu…

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‘Enchanted New York’ Offers a Journey Through the City’s Magical History — With Some Mystifying Oversights

…center driven by real estate, banking, and the stock market. Yes of course New York is the American center of theater, fine art and publishing; but even with these folks the talk is of money, financing, advances, sales figures. The pandemic will change a lot of things about New York City, but not its obsession with money. Of course, I can think of a few complicating factors. The outgoing president is the Emperor of BS, and he is, or was, a New Yor…

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Glenn Beck’s Cheap Grace

…redistribution of wealth are not in the gospel. It’s simply not true. Luke 1:52-53 describes Jesus’ mother, Mary,  anticipating his birth with these words: “He [God] has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; He has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.” This same Jesus tells us in Matthew 19:24 that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich…

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Republican Scandals Drag Secretive ‘Family’ Into the Big Time

…threat that The Family poses won’t sink in. So—how do we interrupt business-as-usual and provide an alternative to the reigning narrative? JS: The single most valuable point made in Empire, the paradigm-shifting argument by political theorists Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, is that the days of what might be called hard empire—enforced occupation armies and viceroys and gunboats—have given way to a form of soft empire that “presents itself not as…

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Corporations Have Consciences and Contraceptives Are Cheap: Hobby Lobby at the Supreme Court

…about whether such an arrangement would satisfy his clients, but he was non-committal. (Religious non-profits have also brought RFRA claims against the accommodation.) The argument wasn’t over, though, without a kosher butcher analogy. This one was raised by Justice Samuel Alito, who pointed to a Danish effort that would close kosher and halal slaugherhouses through a law that would ban killing an animal without stunning it first. Verrilli describ…

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