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An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

…of an engorged sun bursting from behind the branded tailfin of a cruising aircraft, I heard the unmistakable strains of George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue,” the majestic opening melody of the slow movement, the andantino moderato. From the first moments, it was obvious that the sonorous orchestral instrumentation had been replaced by the sheen of digital keyboards. By the time the music reached the third measure, I sensed the dawning of somethin…

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Is Religion Wrecking Our Air?

…probably conjure up images of a dark and smoggy sky when they think about air pollution, in fact indoor air pollution may be nearly as dangerous as outdoor pollution, particularly in developing countries where people routinely burn coal and biomass fuel for cooking and heating their homes. Indoor air pollution also provides the context for one of the most bizarre examples of a religious practice that has created environmental problems in the Unit…

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UPDATE: Air Force Not Persecuting Christians After All

…that discriminatory remarks on the basis of sexual orientation are against Air Force Policy. He should also have known, while Air Force members do have the right to speech and religion, that right does not mean airmen can say whatever they want, whenever they want.” Ouch. However, the military determined neither Monk nor his commander would be punished, which is kind given Monk’s very public, very willful attempt to tarnish their reputation.  Perh…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to fill Supreme Court openings during the presidency of Donald Trump elevated its profile, putting it squarely on the media’s map. What’s less well known—by pretty much everyone who isn’t part of the legal conservative movement—is that the Society is also hip-deep in Catholic natural law political theology. Indeed, natural law—not originalism—is the key to understanding the litigation strategies…

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Amid Anticipation of Government Disclosure, ‘We Are Not Alone’ Follows Those Who Claim Alien Contact Through Meditation

…elligence (CSETI) and in 1991 Greer’s team reported their first successful contact with a UFO, which appeared in the sky and blinked its lights at them. CE5 has continued to grow over since. In April 2020, Greer was featured prominently in the documentary Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact has Begun, directed by DC’s friend Michael Mazzola. As DC recalls, the film was perfectly timed to coincide with Covid lockdown: It was the middle of C…

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Air Force Speaking Invitation to Member of “Lord’s Army” Sparks Outrage

…own mission of preparing Academy cadets to be the very best United States Air Force ocers possible, these very same Air Force Academy cadets and staff will still be consigned to hell unless they accept former Lt. McClary’s own version of Christianity. Such statements are not only antithetical to the clear mission of the United States Air Force Academy, they are totally anathema to the purportedly globally inclusive purpose of this National Praye…

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Pope’s ‘Joy of Love’ Brings Little Joy To LGBT Catholics; Gay Atheist Malaysian Granted Refugee Status In Canada; Global LGBT Recap

…ether married gay people should be allowed to become ministers or deacons. Canada: Gay Atheist Malaysian Student Granted Refugee Status The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada decided this week to grant refugee status to gay athesist student Hazim Ismail. More from the CBC: Ismail said his family, who are Muslim, disowned him and stopped paying for his education last year after learning he is gay and an atheist. His story became public after a…

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Christian-Bashing Air Force Officer Story is Just That

…e, and led to a series of articles full of innuendo masquerading as fact. “Air Force Cracking Down on Christians,” a Fox News piece by the same author as the Fox article mentioned previously, shows that he’s more upset than ever about the Air Force’s investigation into Monk, an investigation that, ironically, his own poor reporting directly contributed to. As of September 10th, the original article stands without correction. With stories like thes…

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Why is Liberty Institute Still Defending Phillip Monk?

…c. Why not pick a case that’s a little more clear-cut? Just days after the Air Force’s report was released, Monk openly appeared (in possible violation of military code) at the Values Voters Summit for a panel. The Liberty Institute’s Jeff Mateer put his hand on Monk’s shoulder and praised him, saying, “We’ve gotten phone calls from military members who are undergoing discrimination…and with the exception of him, those folks that have called us ha…

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