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Spirit Airlines 1 800-299-7264 Cancel Reservation Number

‘Cancel Culture’ Is as Old as Religion, And It’s Only a Thing Because of Who’s Doing the Cancelling

…ice seem to be playing both sides of the wager. That is, they decry being “cancelled” but maintain their state of privilege and thus use their “cancellation” as proof they’re saying something important. That’s because, ironically, the mere fact that they can say they’re being cancelled means, in part, that they’re not. They just take the position of privileged opposition and wear it as a badge of honor. If they were really cancelled, we wouldn’t h…

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No “Cancel Culture” on the Right: How Conservative Christians Protect the Powerful

…So They Can Whine about Being Silenced.” And therein lies the problem with canceling so-called “cancel culture.” The Harper’s letter argues, incongruously, “The restriction of debate, whether by a repressive government or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation.” But, as Masnick points out, “‘public shaming’ and ‘ostracism’ are literally examples of counterspeech and…

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An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

…disgruntled customer. It is a witness to an abomination. It is a plea for spiritual recompense. In the video message that was played before my last United Airlines flight, you expressed your desire to greet each and every passenger; you invited us to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. If I could greet you now, I would want to know: were you unaware of the monstrosity that was about to follow? There, rising above the hiss of the pressurized ai…

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The Failure to Focus on — And Yes, to ‘Cancel’ — Right Wing Antisemitism is a Problem

…buse, racism, etc.—by drawing a line in the sand, it’s often dismissed as “Cancel Culture.” “Canceling” isn’t unique or new, and—perhaps most importantly—it’s not even an inherently bad thing. It’s part of how we communicate values critical for a functioning democracy and decide between which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. The Right, with a big assist from centrist and liberal pundits policing what they call “free speech,” has been in…

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Caste First, Christ Second, for Some Indian Christians

…vernment of India to admit that caste is an issue in Christian churches. In 1950, a presidential order determined that only Hindus could be members of the scheduled caste and qualify for the reservation system. Buddhist and Sikh Dalits were later added, even though both traditions reject caste. Many Christian and Muslim Indians (2.3 and 13.4 percent of the population respectively) hope the Supreme Court will rule that the presidential order is unc…

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Adventists Cancel ‘Holy Sexuality’ Confab; Egyptian Court OKs Deportation of Gays; Mongolian Trans Activist Gives TV Interview; Global LGBT Recap

…y 40,000 signatures. Organizers’ statement: A decision was taken on Monday, 13 April to cancel the ‘Holy Sexuality’ Conference originally planned for London, 21-25 April 2015. Seventh-day Adventists are a people of peace who believe in hope and dialogue. However, it appeared that rather than drawing people together the conference had the potential to divide. The Adventist Church recognises that the individuals invited to speak at the Holy Sexualit…

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Evangelical Troll Erick Erickson Tries to Theologize Cancel Culture. Fails.

…And now the listicle: This doesn’t actually explain cancel culture. Also, cancel culture is an idea made up in the past couple of years by conservatives who don’t like how society has decided to hold people accountable for past words and deeds. If it were really such a threat to Christian liberty, you might expect that someone would have noticed it at some point in the past 2,000 years. They have not. Eschatology is the study of the ultimate dest…

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Evangelical Tells Beck He’s “Off The Reservation”

…he links on Beck’s website that he claims deceptively lead Christians into spiritually dangerous territory; links such as Glenn’s Divine Destiny, and encouragement to “join Glenn in morning prayer” with his Daily Spiritual Thought. Beck’s friend and sometimes sidekick, David Barton, later came to his defense, saying he was more Christian than Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, Jim Wallis, or Joel Hunter. The rift between the anti-Mormons and Beck defende…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…cognate, “textualism”) peppers the Federalist Society website, with nearly 1,000 references associated with Federalist Society events, videos, and publications. What one might be more surprised to discover, however, is that a search for “natural law” and related substantive matters such as “religious freedom” outpaces “originalism” with more than 1,000 mentions. Recent law school lectures sponsored by the Federalist Society include University of…

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Death in the Desert: Riding With the Samaritans

…hed immigrants into more rugged regions further west on the Tohono O’odham reservation. The increase in deaths coincides with Arizona’s recent bitter legal fight over HB 1070, the law signed in April which places the burden on individuals to prove they are in the country legally and preempts federal authority in enforcing immigration law. A federal judge issued an injunction in July against most of the law’s provisions until its constitutionality…

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