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Sharbat Gula’s Experience Exemplifies the ‘White Savior’ Lens Through Which Most Americans View Afghanistan

…ly superior White Anglo-American culture. The US military industrial complex in Afghanistan, a term used by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1961, can be traced back to the 1950s during Eisenhower’s own administration. The US also played a major military role in the pivotally located nation for the duration of Sharbat Gula’s life. Most notably in the 1980s during the Reagan administration and Operation Cyclone; and most recently in every presi…

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The Biggest Lesson Learned From the US War in Afghanistan is How Little We’ve Learned

…9/11 propelled the United States into a protracted and deadly conflict in Afghanistan to begin with. The tragedy that is Afghanistan was avoidable from the beginning had the United States regarded Afghans as human beings rather than pawns in a decades-long proxy war which preceded 9/11. As the current status of the Taliban makes clear, military might has not been—and will not be—an effective primary tool to achieve national security in Afghanista…

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Dilemmas of American Empire: Can Obama Pull Off a Game-Changer in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan?

…sm” is merely an extreme version of normal American supremacism, one that explicitly promotes and heightens the U.S.’s routine practices of empire. But it matters greatly whether the American empire tries to work cooperatively and respectfully with other nations instead of conspiring mainly to dominate them. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and the Middle East as a whole, the legacy of George W. Bush is not very good, and Obama has an overabundance of…

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Oppose Afghanistan But Not a Pacifist? Tough.

…oldiers choosing prison or desertion rather than deployment, the time for expanding religious freedom and the exercise of conscience in war has never been more urgent. Serious moral deliberation over this matter is demanded, now more than ever. On March 21, the Truth Commission on Conscience in War, a public gathering of community and religious leaders at the Riverside Church in New York, will receive testimony from veterans and discuss religious…

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Driscollpalooza Time… Must Be Book Promo Time

…his control over recent years, pushing out dissenters and giving himself “executive elder” status, which makes him basically impossible to remove from his own church. In this world, arguing against Driscoll becomes the ultimate no-win situation: you either agree with him, or, in disagreeing with him, you just prove how much the world is against him, and thus how godly he is. But Driscoll, in being so offensive, is also impossible to ignore, too ex…

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First Draft Of History Today Could Be Fox News Promo Tomorrow

…s a guide for publishers hoping to land the lucrative textbook market of Texas. Texas is the second largest bulk purchaser in the country, second only to the bankrupt California education system. And many other states follow Texas’ lead and buy the same version. So that means students across the country could be forced to read McLeroy’s myopic vision of America’s past. The organization, which champions faith and defends religious freedom, sent a l…

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You Can Take The Boy Out of the Crack House: MyPillow CEO’s New Book Promo Has Deep Roots in American Christianity

…ndell’s Rupert Pupkin mustache and Rupert Pupkin grin to the cheesy gold text superimposed over bargain-basement CGI clouds and sunshine to evoke some kind of glossy faith implies a rip-off of the tawdriest sort, the kind of remainder-bin book most people sensibly buy for kindling or building walls with. But there’s Lindell nattering away about nearly getting killed over a gambling debt in Mexico as though it were the highlight of his career. Is i…

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Feared Taliban Leader Killed, But Military Strategy is Not the Answer in Afghanistan

Afghanistan security situation: it would activate the UN Contact Group on Afghanistan and expand it to include its six neighboring countries along with the United States, Russia, and NATO. It is important for the United States to respect such initiatives and work with them to encourage progress along regional lines. The key to this five-point framework for US policy in the South Asia region is to demilitarize the US presence while utilizing its i…

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That Mercenary Feeling: What the Apparently Unlimited Use of “Contractors” Says About American Empire in Afghanistan and Iraq

…ponding soldier or Marine was cheaper or more expensive for the American taxpayer.” Excuse me? “No one really knows”?? I’m not an economist, but even I know: it’s clearly more expensive in the direct cost-per-individual sense, and it is vastly more expensive in terms of the cost to the way our massive and growing presence in that very poor country is perceived by the locals. I’m not the first to suggest that Afghanistan will be Obama’s Vietnam. Tr…

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BYU Honor Code Used to Harass Black Atheletes

…cohol to lure teenaged athletes to Provo, downplaying the University honor code, then expecting young men to fend for themselves in a highly conservative Utah town where trouble finds black folks fast. It’s a picture not at all surprising to those of us who have attended BYU and witnessed both the differential status accorded to BYU athletes as well as the potential for honor code enforcement abuse. Twenty years ago, when I worked for the independ…

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