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Ebola and Us: The American Roots of Liberia’s Trauma

…than guilt, although a certain amount of guilt is warranted in this case. Liberia owes its existence to Christian perfectionism gone badly wrong. It owes its existence and the primary arc of its history to an ambitious enterprise called the American Colonization Society. A pivotal early figure was an energetic Congregationalist named Samuel John Mills. Mills was a prime mover in the creation of the American Bible Society in 1816 and also in the f…

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Russian Politician Wants to Ban Apple CEO Who Says Being Gay is God’s Gift; Violence After Preachers Blame Liberian Gays for Ebola; Global LGBT Recap

…’s highest court upheld a colonial-era anti-sodomy law that criminalizes sex between men, saying it was up to lawmakers to decide the question. Parliament retained anti-gay provisions in 2007 even though provisions that made heterosexual oral and anal sex a crime were repealed, reports Bloomberg. Singapore’s law, adopted when it was a British colony, was retained by parliament to protect public morality, the Attorney-General’s Chambers had told th…

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First Draft Of History Today Could Be Fox News Promo Tomorrow

…s a guide for publishers hoping to land the lucrative textbook market of Texas. Texas is the second largest bulk purchaser in the country, second only to the bankrupt California education system. And many other states follow Texas’ lead and buy the same version. So that means students across the country could be forced to read McLeroy’s myopic vision of America’s past. The organization, which champions faith and defends religious freedom, sent a l…

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You Can Take The Boy Out of the Crack House: MyPillow CEO’s New Book Promo Has Deep Roots in American Christianity

…ndell’s Rupert Pupkin mustache and Rupert Pupkin grin to the cheesy gold text superimposed over bargain-basement CGI clouds and sunshine to evoke some kind of glossy faith implies a rip-off of the tawdriest sort, the kind of remainder-bin book most people sensibly buy for kindling or building walls with. But there’s Lindell nattering away about nearly getting killed over a gambling debt in Mexico as though it were the highlight of his career. Is i…

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Driscollpalooza Time… Must Be Book Promo Time

…his control over recent years, pushing out dissenters and giving himself “executive elder” status, which makes him basically impossible to remove from his own church. In this world, arguing against Driscoll becomes the ultimate no-win situation: you either agree with him, or, in disagreeing with him, you just prove how much the world is against him, and thus how godly he is. But Driscoll, in being so offensive, is also impossible to ignore, too ex…

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BYU Honor Code Used to Harass Black Atheletes

…cohol to lure teenaged athletes to Provo, downplaying the University honor code, then expecting young men to fend for themselves in a highly conservative Utah town where trouble finds black folks fast. It’s a picture not at all surprising to those of us who have attended BYU and witnessed both the differential status accorded to BYU athletes as well as the potential for honor code enforcement abuse. Twenty years ago, when I worked for the independ…

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Bill to Stone Gays to Death Introduced in Kenya

…uman rights in Iran reported that two men charged with sodomy were among six executions carried out on August 6. Four prisoners were hanged publicly in the city of Shiraz (Southern Iran) today August 6. According to the official website of the Iranian Judiciary in Fars province two of the prisoners were sentenced to death charged with sodomy. These prisoners were identified as “Abdollah Gh. Ch.” and “Soleiman Gh. Ch.” . Since there was no mention…

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LGBT Victories at Olympics, Struggles in Brazil; Catholic Bishops Organizing Anti-Marriage Equality Protests in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…eration of proposed legal changes that would criminalize consensual same-sex sexual activity with penalties of up to five years in prison: “The proposed criminal sanctions before the Constitutional Court are not only a threat to LGBT people, but to all Indonesians,” said Graeme Reid, LGBT rights director at Human Rights Watch. “Laws that threaten privacy inevitably affect everyone.” The proposed amendments follow anunprecedented anti-LGBT campaign…

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The Dark Side of BYU’s Honor Code

…bait and target gays and liberals and (as Sanders remembered from her own experience) to shut down student anti-war protests. Clerical leaders serving BYU student congregations have been expected to report content from private confession and counseling interactions to University authorities, impacting the ability for young people who want to resolve past transgressions (even ones committed before arrival at BYU) to do so without feeling that their…

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Trump Order A ‘Death Sentence’ For Some LGBT Refugees? Global LGBT Recap

…ress: Around two-thirds of African countries criminalize consensual same-sex sexual conduct, according to Amnesty International. In the handful of countries that enforce their anti-gay laws, local groups have emerged to push for access to health care and to combat extortion, assaults and other forms of discrimination. In Jammeh’s Gambia, however, such work was all but impossible, and many would-be activists made the painful decision to leave. No A…

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