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Civil Unions Battle Heats Up in Italy; Church Leaders in Malawi Defend Criminalization of Homosexuality; Report on LGBT Student Group Sparks Backlash in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…ministration. Malawi: Church Leaders Push to Keep Laws Criminalizing Homosexuality “As Malawi debates whether repeal its laws which criminalize homosexuality, the nation’s Catholic bishops are lobbying heavily for keeping such laws on the books,” writes Bob Shine at New Ways Ministry. The Catholic bishops’ conference unsuccessfully sought to meet with U.S. Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBT People Randy Berry when he visited the country. T…

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Australia’s Harsh Refugee Policies Stirring Backlash; Malawi Court Sides With Pastors To Lift Moratorium on Sodomy Prosecutions; Uzbek President Says God Has Taken Gays’ Reason Away; Global LGBT Recap

…such prosecutions that officials had put in place. The law criminalizes sexual conduct between men and calls for jail terms of up to 14 years. Details from Malawi24: The Mzuzu high court has ordered Malawi Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions to arrest people engaged in same-sex acts. Judge Dingiswayo Madise made the order in Mzuzu on Monday and warned that any person who disobeys the order shall be guilty of contempt of court. Madise s…

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Malawi Catholic Bishops Call For Enforcement of Sodomy Law; Ukrainian Thugs Disrupt Equality Festival Opposed by Orthodox Church; Indonesian Islamists Continue Rhetorical War on LGBTs; Global LGBT Recap

…ence of all things can foster a lasting relationship.” More than 10 same-sex couples have exchanged vows at the temple. They have come from as far away as China, Taiwan, the U.S., U.K. and Brazil. Kiyoshi Momoyama, chief priest at Negainomiya Shrine in Osaka, believes same-sex nuptials belong in Shinto — Japan’s indigenous faith. Some Shinto priests have declined to conduct same-sex wedding ceremonies because they are wary of changing the words of…

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Conservative Anglican Bishops Threaten To Split Communion; Malawi Opposition Leader Says Gays Should Be Killed; Anti-Marriage Effort Makes European Union Question Initiative Process; Global LGBT Recap

…bby groups, have demanded a change to European law to state that marriage exists only between men and women – a “family” should be defined strictly as a heterosexual married couple and their descendants, they argue. They hope to use a scheme backed by Mr Juncker and established in 2012 that obliges the EU to consider proposed new laws if they get the backing of one million citizens. EU officials denied that Juncker wants to water down the initiati…

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First Draft Of History Today Could Be Fox News Promo Tomorrow

…s a guide for publishers hoping to land the lucrative textbook market of Texas. Texas is the second largest bulk purchaser in the country, second only to the bankrupt California education system. And many other states follow Texas’ lead and buy the same version. So that means students across the country could be forced to read McLeroy’s myopic vision of America’s past. The organization, which champions faith and defends religious freedom, sent a l…

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You Can Take The Boy Out of the Crack House: MyPillow CEO’s New Book Promo Has Deep Roots in American Christianity

…ndell’s Rupert Pupkin mustache and Rupert Pupkin grin to the cheesy gold text superimposed over bargain-basement CGI clouds and sunshine to evoke some kind of glossy faith implies a rip-off of the tawdriest sort, the kind of remainder-bin book most people sensibly buy for kindling or building walls with. But there’s Lindell nattering away about nearly getting killed over a gambling debt in Mexico as though it were the highlight of his career. Is i…

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Driscollpalooza Time… Must Be Book Promo Time

…his control over recent years, pushing out dissenters and giving himself “executive elder” status, which makes him basically impossible to remove from his own church. In this world, arguing against Driscoll becomes the ultimate no-win situation: you either agree with him, or, in disagreeing with him, you just prove how much the world is against him, and thus how godly he is. But Driscoll, in being so offensive, is also impossible to ignore, too ex…

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In This Week’s LGBT Recap: Are Gay Priests Overdue for a Stonewall Moment?

…ity as a “paradoxical gift” that allows them to look beyond conventional sexual expressions to a love for God and others that transcends mere physical instincts,” Longenecker writes: The key to the successful integration is for the Catholic homosexual to accept his tendencies as “intrinsically disordered.” Only as he understands his attractions as inconsistent with the natural order of human sexuality will he be able to integrate them successfully…

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Global LGBT Recap: Culture War Claims More Victims

…i-gay law. Note: a valuable resource on the history of Uganda’s anti-homosexuality bill is the extensive coverage by Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin. Nigeria: Official persecution and mob violence Human Rights activists have reported more anti-gay mob violence, exacerbated by police violence, in Nigeria in the anti-gay climate that has intensified since the signing of a law that criminalizes not only sexual activity but advocacy and even parti…

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BYU Honor Code Used to Harass Black Atheletes

…cohol to lure teenaged athletes to Provo, downplaying the University honor code, then expecting young men to fend for themselves in a highly conservative Utah town where trouble finds black folks fast. It’s a picture not at all surprising to those of us who have attended BYU and witnessed both the differential status accorded to BYU athletes as well as the potential for honor code enforcement abuse. Twenty years ago, when I worked for the independ…

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