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Seattle ‘CultureMaker’ Nathan Marion: We Need New Abbeys in America to Foster Community, Arts

…nge the city through community arts interaction.” What needed to change in Seattle? I think people in Seattle and other cities are increasingly disconnected from each other in spite of technology like social media that supposedly helps us stay connected. When people are in an experience where they’re closer to others, it just helps us remember that we’re here on this planet with other humans, not just ourselves, with headphones, watching Netflix a…

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An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

…ual recompense. In the video message that was played before my last United Airlines flight, you expressed your desire to greet each and every passenger; you invited us to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. If I could greet you now, I would want to know: were you unaware of the monstrosity that was about to follow? There, rising above the hiss of the pressurized air, as the video monitors snapped to the image of an engorged sun bursting from be…

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DeVos Literally Can’t Name a Discriminatory Policy She’d Refuse to Fund

…cer. She refused to give a clear yes or no answer, suggesting the question Clark posed was “hypothetical,” even though the school whose policy Clark quoted does in fact exist and receives funding from Indiana’s coffers. The secretary was similarly evasive when Clark asked whether a school that outright barred African-American students from attending, but was approved by its state voucher system to do so, would be ineligible for federal dollars. “T…

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“Papers Please”: The Legal Battle Over Church Sex-Abuse Files

…t. Easier said than done. “It took probably another two years after that,” Clark said, “but… I would say we got 80-90 percent of what we thought was relevant into the public domain.” Clark said attorneys for both sides were able to agree on slightly over half the files, but a mediator had to decide on the rest, as in Los Angeles. Nockleby explained that the appeals of Church lawyers “boil down to claims that the complaints are not necessarily true…

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What Does a Moral Economy Look Like for the 99 Percent?

…the community, coaxing them to take on an improbable battle against Alaska Airlines, the Port of Seattle, and the airport corporate establishment. The April rally was our first big campaign test. Would people turn out? They did–850 of them. And the boisterous march, the chants in different languages, the flags of many nations, and the auspicious April sunshine all boosted the community’s confidence and set us on a course to make history. Is there…

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As a “Cult Leader” Disgraced Pastor Mark Driscoll Does Not Rank

…e. “They listen to Fleet Foxes; they love Star Wars and graffiti art.” The Seattle Times said, “He drew pierced-and-tattooed congregants from Seattle to … Calvinist doctrine cloaked in indie-rock, big screens and a worn pair of Chuck Taylors.” But none of this makes for the kind of epoch-shifting postmodern church that pop historians like Phyllis Tickle and Diana Butler Bass have described. In this “new kind” of Christianity, leaders like Bolz-Web…

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Union Busting for God: Catholic Colleges Invoke “Religious Freedom” to Violate Catholic Teaching

…famous member decries materialist greed on a regular basis. At Jesuit run Seattle University, adjuncts voted to form a union in 2014, but according to the Seattle Times, “ballots were locked up” while the university appealed to the NLRB on religious freedom grounds. According to Seattle University professor Emily Lieb, in April of 2015, “some 20 faculty, students, and allies were arrested in an act of civil disobedience near campus to protest the…

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Pastor Supporting Santorum: Romney Not a Christian

…rimary, particularly in the western part of the state where evangelical Christians are expected to make up a larger share of the GOP vote. Asked if he believes Romney is a Christian, Clark answered: “No.” Asked whether Romney makes him want to throw up, Clark answered: “Yes.” (Last sentence is satire, but just barely.)  …

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Orthodox TV Channel Offers Gays One-Way Ticket Out of Russia; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…rthodox activists and modeled after Fox News, offered to pay for a one-way ticket overseas for gay people who want to emigrate. The channel was funded by Konstantin Maofeev, a billionaire known as “God’s oligarch” who dreams of Vladimir Putin becoming a Tsar. More from the BBC: In a video on its social media channels this week, Tsargrad TV called on gay people to compete for a one-way plane ticket overseas. “Just recently, California—the most libe…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…notions of “human dignity” and “human flourishing,” Catholic natural law—an 800-year-old tradition dating back to Thomas Aquinas—is a lens that offers utter clarity to conservative Catholic jurists, activists, policymakers, and scholars as they observe, describe, and engage the world. The power and sharpness of this lens allow them to confidently snap every human movement—every human desire and motive and act—into its divinely appointed and proper…

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