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Claiming That ‘We Birthed a Nation From Nothing’ CNN’s Rick Santorum Gives a Master Class in Christian Nationalism: An Open Letter to CNN

…on which America was founded, especially New Amsterdam, which would become New York City. And when our founders looked back at the Pilgrims and Puritans, they saw theocracies and persecution. The popular myth regurgitated by Santorum, your senior political commentator, claims those theocracies as forerunners of the American Experiment when really, the founders viewed them as examples of what to avoid. The myth also hides the settlers’ brutality, w…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…nt of his classmates, he was acquitted. An April 30, 1866 editorial in the New York Times argued against students carrying pistols, citing “…pistols being dropped on the floor at balls or being exploded in very inconvenient ways. A boy of 12 has his pantaloons made with a pistol pocket; and this at a boarding-school filled with boys, who, we suppose, do or wish to do the same thing. We would advise parents to look into it, and learn whether shooti…

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Dreaming Cyborg Dreams: Virtual Identity and Religious Experience

…nity, formed of people from different cultures and with different beliefs (New World Notes). The opportunity to explore new religious “territory” is aptly seen in the case of the Muslim woman who attended synagogue in Second Life because she had been curious about Judaism but felt too self-conscious to attend a real-life temple service. The woman chose to wear her hijab in Second Life while attending the virtual synagogue, presumably so closely id…

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CNN Editor Leaves Over Tweet on Hezbollah ‘Giant’

Octavia Nasr, CNN’s senior Middle East editor, is no longer with CNN. Her departure from CNN shows a continued lack of consistency when it comes to issues of Arabs and Muslims in the mainstream media. She left for a tweet that said nothing except that she was human. Nasr is of Lebanese descent and proud of her birth land. Because of her professional and personal knowledge of the country, she expressed a sentiment over the death of Marja’ at-Taqli…

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CNN’s Disastrous ‘Town Hall’ with Trump Put the Country at Risk

…ning. Its more direct take: “To call it a shitshow would be generous.” The New York Times concluded, “Trump’s Falsehoods and Bluster Overtake CNN Town Hall.” The Times also vividly described the raucous, hostile atmosphere CNN moderator Kaitlan Collins encountered: The audience’s regular interruptions on behalf of Mr. Trump were like a laugh track on a sitcom. It built momentum for him in the room — and onscreen for the television audience — and s…

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Republican Scandals Drag Secretive ‘Family’ Into the Big Time

…uss that. More specifically, and related to The Family; I saw FitzGerald’s New Yorker essay on Joel Hunter and the other “broad spectrum” megachurch leaders as the latest in a series of liberal or secular media reading the reduction in the number of evangelicals who will pull the “R” lever (and the addition of poverty, the environment and war to the greatest hits of abortion and gays) as perhaps auguring the “end” of a damaging force in the Americ…

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Two people on a podium with a board that reads "Project 2025 kills democracy"

Project 2025: How Trump Loyalists and Right-Wing Leaders Are Paving a Fast Road to Fascism

…rs to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown,” Miller told the New York Times, adding, “The immigration legal activists won’t know what’s happening.”[66] The far-right’s far-reaching revolution As Project 2025 envisions Trump or another MAGA-minded president maximizing presidential power and dominating the executive branch with an iron fist, its agenda converges with the long-term right-wing goal of diminishing and dismantling the fede…

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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…A Pennsylvania Lawmaker and the Resurgence of Christian Nationalism​, ​The New Yorker, May 9, 2021 Stephanie McCrummen, An American Kingdom: A new and rapidly growing Christian movement is openly political, wants a nation under God’s authority, and is central to Donald Trump’s GOP​, The Washing​ton Post, July 11, 2021 Elle Hardy​, The Right-Wing Christian Sect Plotting a Political Takeover​: The New Apostolic Reformation doesn’t always admit its o…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…later. We’re watching her in a 1973 report on the Bowie phenomenon by the BBC news program Nationwide, uploaded to YouTube. “They said ‘e was comin’ ‘round the back! I’ve been waiting for ages to see ‘im,” she wails, agonized at missing the star’s limousine arrive. “Why’re you so upset?” a bemused interviewer asks, across a generational chasm. She looks up, incredulous at the man’s inability to grasp the obvious: “He’s smashing!” Another girl cro…

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Sacred Texting: When Religious Writ Gets Wired

…Wall has recently been constructed in Second Life, the popular user-built online virtual “world.” The creator of the virtual Wailing Wall, “Xanadu,” explains that the digital wall, “is a peaceful spot to sit and grieve, pray, meditate, or comfort a friend. The wall accepts self-created notecards that are immediately deleted. The idea is to allow The Wailing Wall to bear away your burden.” Given the fact that both walls seem to function as a sort…

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