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Condemnation, Condolences in Wake of Orlando Massacre and More

…a “compassionate” sentence for homosexuals. Sekaleshfar had lectured near Orlando, Florida in April. Canada: Toronto Unity Mosque celebrates 14th all-inclusive iftar The night before the killing in Orlando, nearly 200 people attended Toronto Unity Mosque’s 14th annual all-inclusive iftar – a meal to break the fast during Ramadan — to which it had invited people “regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, class, dis…

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Mike Huckabee, meet Amy Schumer. And, for that matter, Tony Orlando.

…is like the Holocaust and slavery. For Huckabee, Roe v. Wade is out; Tony Orlando is still in. At Huckabee’s campaign announcement speech today in Hope, Arkansas, Orlando, now 71, performed “Yellow Ribbon,” as well as a song he composed for Huckabee, a hackneyed ode to why he loves America, “our home town.” Huckabee is widely seen as the evangelical’s candidate–not an just an evangelical candidate, but the candidate who speaks to and for evangeli…

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Gingrich Downplays Adelson Money, Stokes Fear of “Second Holocaust” at Florida Church

…group Liberty Counsel and others, at Aloma Baptist Church in Winter Park, Florida, just north of Orlando. Gingrich was running late, so the event co-sponsors filled time with over-the-top God-and-country songs, prayer, and speeches about the causes their organizations promote. Liberty Counsel, the Christian right legal group headed by Liberty University Law School Dean Mat Staver, was the lead co-sponsor. Others included the Florida Family Action…

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Orlando Massacre and ISIS: The Illusion of Power

…d and orchestrated by the central command in Syria. Moreover, a gay bar in Orlando, Florida seems like a strange venue for an ISIS operation. Multiple targets in the heart of Paris and Brussels fit more closely to the modus operandi of the ISIS organization, showing the weakness of the government security apparatus. An attack on a gay bar would not have the same symbolic effect. Though ISIS has persecuted LGBT people in the territory they control,…

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Pricey Tickets, Cranky Citizens, and Priests Behind Bars as Philadelphia Prepares For Papal Visit

…e contributed to the decline of an archdiocese that once rivaled Boston or New York. The same month Pope Benedict announced the next WMOF, Monsignor Lynn of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia became the first diocesan administrator convicted in the United States of re-assigning pedophile priests. Lynn was recently incarcerated at Curran Freehold Prison, the prison that Pope Francis will visit in Philadelphia—but the priest was moved at the end of Jul…

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After Orlando: Love Wins, But When?

…It has been a week of great loss. On Saturday night, a gunman in a central Florida nightclub took 49 mostly young, mostly brown, mostly gay lives. I marvel at the brief biographies of the dead I have seen, how many of them floated to Orlando from distant points as though it were their own personal Samarra. It seems a twisted necessity of God to require their souls so abruptly in a place of joy and refuge, a cruel grace that more than a few died wi…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…nt of his classmates, he was acquitted. An April 30, 1866 editorial in the New York Times argued against students carrying pistols, citing “…pistols being dropped on the floor at balls or being exploded in very inconvenient ways. A boy of 12 has his pantaloons made with a pistol pocket; and this at a boarding-school filled with boys, who, we suppose, do or wish to do the same thing. We would advise parents to look into it, and learn whether shooti…

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Sacred Geography: A Queer Latino Theological Response to Orlando

…id to myself as I lay in bed on Sunday morning, reading the news about the Orlando shooting on my phone. In the wake of the tragedy, I have found myself mostly at a loss for words, stuttering between anger and sadness. I can not fully describe what I was feeling and thinking that morning as I was getting ready to head over to the LA Pride parade—even as news came in of an arrest in Santa Monica, earlier in the day, of a heavily armed man who was s…

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Emanuel’s Pulse: A Plea for Black Church–LGBTIQ Solidarity

Early Sunday morning I woke up, my phone abuzz with news. Reading about the shooting in Orlando, worry and fright overcame me. Still in a semi-wake, semi-sleep, semi-dream state, I thought it was Charleston all over again. Emanuel AME redux. My partner saw my face and asked what had happened. We turned on the television to learn that a man named Omar Mateen had entered a popular gay nightclub on its “Latin Night.” Using an AR-15 assault rifle and…

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ISIS Claims Responsibility for Orlando Massacre; Legal Gray Area in Jordan Amid Rising Fundamentalism; Push and Pull on LGBT Human Rights at UN; Global LGBT Recap

…he American-born man who massacred dozens of people at a gay night club in Orlando, Florida, reportedly called 911 just before the attack and pledged allegiance to ISIS. CNN reported that the gunman had been interviewed by the FBI in 2013 and 2014 “but was not found to be a threat.” MSNBC reported that the shooter’s father said he had been upset by seeing two men kissing in public. ISIS later claimed responsibility through its news agency, Amaq. A…

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