“Nobody Is Innocent”: David Gushee on Sexual Ethics, Suffering, and Full Inclusion for LGBT Christians
David Gushee is either a heretic or a hero, depending on which side of the…
Read MoreDavid Gushee is either a heretic or a hero, depending on which side of the…
Read MoreAn RD interview by Candace Chellew-Hodge
Read MoreIt’s easier to argue about Jesus and whether he was fully human, fully divine, both or some mixture thereof, instead of doing the dirty work of feeding the poor, etc.
Read MoreAfter spending 15 years of her life serving as “proof” that gays and lesbians can…
Read MoreAfter losing prominent “ex-gay” mouthpieces to apology (Alan Chambers), scandal (George Rekers) or enlightenment (John Paulk),…
Read MoreDespite declining membership and growing acceptance of same-sex marriage around the country, the Southern Baptist…
Read MoreMoving evangelicals beyond cut-and-paste arguments against LGBT inclusion
Read More“Evangelicalism is a very diverse, broad movement and there are many different expressions. I think, very shortly, there will be an expression of evangelicalism which will be inclusive of LGBT people.”
Read MoreAs Westboro Baptist Church’s Fred Phelps lies dying, a reflection on the difference between disagreement and hatred.
Read MoreSo, right off the bat, this generation has dumped its religious leaders, its priests or gurus, and has dispensed with the obligation of coming together each week as a community. I guess, if there’s no one there to deliver a sermon or wisdom talk, what’s the point of gathering together once a week?
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