New Poll Shows Big Love For Gays
An interview with Neil Giuliano, president of GLAAD, in the wake of a new poll that shows much wider concern for LGBT rights than might be expected, even among conservative Christians.
Read MoreAn interview with Neil Giuliano, president of GLAAD, in the wake of a new poll that shows much wider concern for LGBT rights than might be expected, even among conservative Christians.
Read MoreInstead of looking to earthly things and earthly power to bless us, we are to be a blessing in the world. Instead of caring so much that we become overwhelmed by the wicked ways of the world, we are to live our lives as a blessing to others. It is up to us to create a secure world.
Read MoreGay and Lesbian people are weary of being used as a political and spiritual football, tired of being kicked around. This election brought history-making moments for progressives, but some crucial setbacks for the rights of gay citizens.
Read MoreFor a good feminist “lesbian” must always trump “gay” in the alphabet soup of acceptance and tolerance.
Read MoreWhile biblical opposition to gay civil rights echoes the opposition to ending slavery, that institution didn’t end with the triumph of the abolitionist biblical view.
Read MoreAfter pursuing a dialogue with David Gushee, in response to a suggestion from a commenter on RD, I realize that Gushee’s “welcoming” church model, though imperfect, is a sign of progress, not regress.
Read MoreNew polls show that even conservatives are finally okay with gays and lesbians in the military. But what about not having any war at all? What does tradition say about that?
Read MoreWhy is it that when conservative Christians talk about welcoming gays into the church they…
Read MoreOn July 5, the FRC hopes to have thousands of congregations fall to their knees to pray for victory over the evil abortionists and queers. What about feeding the hungry?
Read MoreNew studies show that marriage is a good thing. For everyone. So all those arguments that same-sex marriage will weaken the institution? Not true.
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