Is Rick Warren Gay?
Doth the inaugural pastor protest too much? (With pages on lesbians and gays “scrubbed” from Saddleback Church Web site)
Read MoreDoth the inaugural pastor protest too much? (With pages on lesbians and gays “scrubbed” from Saddleback Church Web site)
Read MoreIf Warren is correct to conflate promiscuity with homosexuality how does he explain the gay community’s desire for marriage equality?
Read MoreIs it really about morality? And if so, should only “moral” people be allowed to wed? Think harder, people.
Read MoreThere’s not only strategic value to Obama’s selection of Warren, there’s a desire to reach out to all people and not to become what liberals and progressives hate.
Read MoreA scholar of law argues that the courts should defer to the states, even if a new law might be unconstitutional. But we don’t need a deferential court; we need a court that will administer justice.
Read MoreThe saccharine singer compares Prop. 8 protesters to the Mumbai terrorists.
Read MoreTop evangelical resigns after searching his soul and breaking from the party line on civil unions.
Read MoreA church in Topeka wants to save us all from the scary guy in the red suit.
Read MoreGod does not intervene to save people from man-made messes; nor does the Divine have a plan to save GM or Chrysler. Why are some people praying for a “holy bail-out”?
Read MorePollsters ask voters why they supported Prop. 8, and it turns out religion played a major role: LGBT folk have a lot of work to do.
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