Detroit’s Baggy Pants Fatwa
We tolerate all manner of slovenly, scanty and bizarre dress, yet a fashion associated with young men of color is singled out for prohibition…
Read MoreWe tolerate all manner of slovenly, scanty and bizarre dress, yet a fashion associated with young men of color is singled out for prohibition…
Read MoreTwo Op-Eds in two weeks make the same unsupportable charge about Barack Obama: why?
Read MoreWe all know by now that there are some who would like to claim the term “Christian” for their own particular brand of belief. Is there an analogy to this in the contemporary North American Muslim community?
Read More“This state of affairs in Christian radio is ironically reminiscent of how Salafi media outlets and websites dominated the early years of the Islamic Internet…”
Read MoreThis tempest in a teacup reminds me of some Shari’a controversies in contemporary Islamic societies…
Read MoreOvertly Christian displays are fine but respect is a two-way street…
Read More“All we know is that this guy had a dream, we don’t know what that dream was.”
Read MoreSaudi Arabia cracks down on Valentine’s Day and the reflection of an American Muslim…
Read MoreWe appear to have come full circle since the media-driven Reformation.
Read MoreDon’t suppose the violence will be chalked up to “Slavic Culture” or Orthodox Christianity…
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