Hell 101: A Back-to-School Reflection on the Persistence of Belief in Eternal Punishment


Having been taught all their lives that eternal torment is an essential element of Christian belief, my students were, to say the least, surprised at the presence of a universalist strand of thought in the theological tradition—especially coming from such theological heavyweights. What was most surprising to me, though, was their reaction to the teaching: any hint of universal salvation for them negated the whole point of Christianity.

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Maybe Millennials Are Just Realizing That ‘God is Dead’


A viral CNN post by Rachel Held Evans argues that millennials are fed up with the church’s reactionary politics and just want Jesus, while Brett McCracken counters in the Washington Post that were they to listen to their elders they’d break out of their twitter-obsessed world and find meaning. But what if it’s not authentic faith they’re looking for at all?  

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Christ is Pissed, Again


Commenting to Fox News, Staten Island Representative Michael Grimm has called the work a “deplorable piece,” one that is as “offensive” to Christians as ‘Innocence of Muslims’ is to “the Islamic world.” Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the comparison has provided opportunity to emphasize the supposed moral high ground that Christians occupy over Muslims when it comes to material deemed offensive or blasphemous. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Council, told Fox News that the two incidents shore up “the contrast between Islam and Christianity.” “You don’t have to plead with Christians not to riot and burn and storm buildings simply because they are offended,” Perkins said. “That’s the difference. That’s why Christianity moves nations forward and Islam moves nation backwards.”

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