Captain America: Civil Religion (And Why Donald Trump Thinks He’s Batman)
As of this writing, Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War is 2016’s biggest movie worldwide. If pop…
Read MoreAs of this writing, Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War is 2016’s biggest movie worldwide. If pop…
Read MoreWhat does this mysterious sculpture depict? Popular answers include: an aardvark, a bird, an Afghan hound, and one of Picasso’s lovers. But to my eyes, it looks like a sphinx—a monster that (like the anamorphic skull haunting Hans Holbein’s famous painting The Ambassadors) only snaps into focus when viewed from an oblique perspective. To perceive the recumbent sphinx you have to approach the piece not from the front but from behind and to the side.
Read MoreIt’s Easter weekend, and French vandals armed with hammers have given further reason for contemplating the crucifixion, or at least its representation.
Read MoreIs Lady Gaga (the self-proclaimed “fame monster” so well known for her enticing pop music, outrageous fashion, and elaborately staged spectacles) involved in a pseudo-religious conspiracy of global moment? The answer is “yes”—but not for the reasons that…
Read MoreAmericans are the inheritors of a religious tradition that holds that inner goodness is reflected in outer beauty—but the pursuit of bodily perfection is an endeavor, both personal and commercial, that has global reach. Whether someone is looking for a better nose, or for immortality, the quest has everything to do with religion.
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