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Chilean Mine Rescue: Largest Global Spiritual Event Ever?

…age viewers across a world clock. As the final miners reached the surface, online viewership topped more than four million page views per minute. While World Cup soccer and Wimbledon matches broadcast online simultaneously last June had significantly more page views (10.4 million per minute) and the inauguration of Barack Obama in November 2008 had slightly more (4.3 million per minute), the rescue of the Chilean miners is the largest expressly sp…

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Why We Should Ban Oppressive Speech Acts

…ity facts. It’s worth noting that the contemporary far right, metastasized online, has often used the pliability of meaning to its advantage. Consider, if you will, the “okay” hand symbol (index finger and thumb held in a ring): far-right trolls laughed at liberals who “fell” for the supposed hoax of believing the “okay” hand sign to be a white supremacist gesture. But since it was white supremacists who kept “okaying” in photos, it turns out the…

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The Myth of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Shooter Blinds Us to the Reality of White Supremacy

…heless effectively form real communities—common minds for the like-minded. Online sites must, thus, be taken seriously as the new venues where digital Klans gather, preparing for the next ride—even if they perform the actual ride alone. Where critics need to focus instead is on sharpening the sense in which these online wolf packs can be said to be criminal communities like the Gambino or Lucchese crime families—communities who reveal their raison…

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2017 Around the World: Progress and Persecution For LGBT People

…t to religion.” Tunisia: Online radio station for LGBT community debuts An online radio station focused on the LGBT community began broadcasting in December. From Japan Times: The outlet — set up by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender rights group Shams — aims to tackle deep-rooted hostility in the North African state, where homosexuality is officially illegal. The slogan of Shams Rad station is “dignity, equality” and its presenters include promi…

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“Digital Discipline”: Five Questions on #ReLent2016

…w with the internet. What’s your response to those who say religion moving online is a dilution or regression? Everywhere I go, I see young people on their smartphones scrolling through Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. Some people may decry that as social regression, but I think it’s awesome. You have to meet people where they are, and they’re all on these online communities. It’s a phenomenal opportunity to share this radical Good News that we h…

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A Moral Galaxy: War and Suffering in “Star Wars: The Old Republic”

…h morality. Our data indicate that SWTOR, like other massively multiplayer online games, carries a quasi-religious affect and can be part of modern moral development. In their online gaming, players form communities, debate morality, find meaning, and experience transcendence. The on-the-ground experience of SWTOR is frequently morally progressive, and undermines claims about the supposed evils of online gaming. Star Wars: The Old Republic provide…

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‘Manufactured’ Smear Campaign Attempts to Intimidate Church ‘Fasting From Whiteness’— It Didn’t Work

…of color in Chicago. The threats forced us to take our Palm Sunday service online, but honestly, inside the walls of the church this Lent has been absolutely amazing. Our notoriety came at the very end of Lent. For the first five Sundays what was front and center is the beautiful, joyful, amazing contributions to sacred music that have come from the global majority of Christians, which is people of color. The music has been as good as I can rememb…

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Are Evangelicals Suffering From Buyer’s Remorse with Obama?

…s that politics is just one strategy to engage the culture,” Charisma News Online reported. “I also think that the sphere of art and the sphere of education and the sphere of media and technology are also strategic,” he said, according to the Associated Press. ORU & Joyce Meyer Ministries Receive Accreditation: Oral Roberts Universities and the Joyce Meyers Ministries, both of which have come under attack for financial shenanigans, have received c…

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More Bleak Times For Indonesian LGBTs; South Africa Bans Extremist Anti-Gay US Pastor; Mexican Marriage Struggle Heats Up; Global LGBT Recap

…has drawn attention to his Arizona-based Faithful Word Baptist Church with online videos of his extremist positions, including one in which he celebrated the June massacre at an Orlando gay bar. Mamba Online says the decision “follows a determined campaign by LGBT activists, led primarily by GaySA Radio, to stop the preacher, who calls for the execution of gay people, from spreading his shocking views in the country.” More details: “We have a duty…

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Orthodox Church’s Authoritarian Anti-LGBTQ Statement Poses Serious Threat to Academic Freedom

…might be taking a page from the playbook of far-right Orthodox ideologues online who call for the excommunication and even “the purge” of American Orthodox scholars. For years the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University (not affiliated with the OCA) has been one of the most engaged institutions in the academic study of Orthodox Christianity. And for years the Center has been maligned by conservative and far-right Orthodox, who oft…

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