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On Pi Day, Puzzling Over the Most Famous Transcendental Number

… user asks, “What could be more mystical than an imaginary number interacting with real numbers to produce nothing?” Where infinity merges with the earth When you dig into pi, you encounter questions that are as much theological as mathematical: is there a pattern to the universe? Or is it fundamentally random? And how do we reckon with the infinite? Some people have always insisted that there must be a pattern behind pi. If only h…

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Forget Right or Wrong

…researchers share the unsurprising finding that “young adults engage in a number of religious practices less often than do older Americans.” What they may mean to say is traditional religious practices: weekly attendance at religious services, weekly scripture reading, daily prayer, and weekly meditation. (My guess is as good as yours on the greater expected frequency of prayer in the survey.) The Pew survey design is problematic—and this is wher…

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Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland

…announced that it had produced a program titled Is Jesus God? which would air on a number of television stations (mostly religious) across the country. “It is just amazing what God has done in history, and we as Christians need to know this information because our faith is challenged,” said Dr. Jerry Newcombe, senior producer of The Coral Ridge Hour. “But it’s challenged by baseless feelings and opinions, a lot of which is based on people’s desir…

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Gay, Christian, Pagan, Artist: How Matt Morris Defies the Borders of Spiritual Identity

…f the church in our spiritual-but-not-religious age. Do you think that the American church can recover from it? I think it depends on whether the American church decides to live into an identity that affirms the love of God for all people. It’s not like it’s a wound from the past. It’s a wound in the present. Everyone wants live into Easter, but no one wants to be on Good Friday. Everyone wants to live in Resurrection, but no one wants to recogniz…

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No One Can Tell I’m a Muslim: All-American Muslim Debuts

…ge anti-Muslim bigotry, choosing a cast of immigrants and first-generation Americans, all Arab American save the newbie white convert, may just propel the show into another set of tropes: all Muslims are Arabs, all Arabs are Muslim, and all Muslims are immigrants. Indeed some Muslims are Arab, some Arabs are Muslim, and some Muslims are immigrants. But many are not. Many will celebrate the show, and those who do may read this review (if they get t…

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The Theological Hijacking of Religious “Freedom”

…e problem with this view? The problem is not so much that there are a good number of Americans who have consulted their theological traditions and decided that it would be against their personal conscience to affirm same sex marriage. The problem is that in the recent efforts of many religious Americans, the law is being used to legislate a vision of freedom that defines religious freedom as “freedom from.” Unlike the early American Baptists, who…

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The Brutality of the American Eden

…rily a story of how religion has interacted with some of the big events of American history. American religious expression—its music and art, its stories of internal spiritual quests, its embodiment, its wild profusion of utopian groups, its history of ritual practices—will have to be found elsewhere. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. God knows, while Glenn Beck rants in Twitter-like aphorisms condensing David Barton’s execrable version o…

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Recovering From Rejection: The Second Coming of Ted Haggard

…rculated email, and on his blog. London reportedly told the Religious News Service of Haggard’s plans to hold prayer services, “When you think of the ethics of that, it, to me, just defies explanation.” Not to be left out of the media feeding frenzy, other high-profile pastors in the conservative evangelical Christian community quickly piled on. C. Peter Wagner, who co-founded the World Prayer Center with Haggard and is well known for the exorcism…

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Former Employees: Racism & Abuse in Leading Religious Right Org.

…ylor, noting how he “promoted Taylor’s efforts repeatedly” and encouraged FAIR employees to receive American Renaissance mailings. Leonard Zeskind, author of Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream, detailed the Tanton network, including its ties with white supremacist organizations and militias, in a 2005 article in The American Prospect.* Zeskind reported that Tanton wrote in 1986, “To…

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Is Army’s New “Humanist” Designation Just Semantic Hooey?

…the wider culture, like other moves toward greater diversity in the military—as in the case of racial and LGBT quality—it will likely have significant impact on the American culture more broadly as service members move back and forth between military and civilian life….

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