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American Airlines 1800-299-7264 Flight Cancellation Phone Number

Indonesia Allows Abusive Sharia Laws to Stand; Kenyan Priest Joins Challenge to Anti-LGBT Laws; Dominican Republic Bishop Slams ‘Gender Ideology’ at OAS; Global LGBT Recap

…e country’s credo of “unity in diversity.” Kumolo wasunapologetic. “[Bylaw cancellation] is about investments,” he said. “We do not interfere with regulations based on Islamic Sharia.” That’s bad news for women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, who are discriminated against under the Sharia regulations imposed by the Aceh provincial government in northwestern Indonesia. Aceh is the only one of Indonesia’s 34 provinces that…

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A Furious Sadness: Conversation with Christian Protester of Nazi-Saluting Trump Supporter

…other Christians evaluate what are the most pressing issues crippling the American people, and watch what our presidential candidates say about those things. Match candidates’ actual views/stances/policies against your convictions, stay in prayer (but that was always a given), and decide who could do the most good. Who you think has the best shot at doing the most good? Cornel West said my only requirement is sincerity. I ask that we be sincere a…

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Some Christian and Muslim Leaders Urging ‘No’ Vote in Australian Mail Ballot on Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…ar beyond conservative religious circles, however. Uganda: Officials force cancellation of pride celebration Kuchu Times reported that Pride Uganda 2017 had been cancelled due to police harassment and threats from Simon Lokodo, the intensely anti-gay Minister for Ethics and Integrity who reportedly “had all the venues of the planned Pride events surrounded by state militia.” The U.S. embassy in Uganda tweeted the U.S. government’s disappointment,…

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Louis C.K., Paige Patterson, and the White Male Forgiveness Charade

…ergy on Twitter and elsewhere. The open secret about Louis C.K. led to the cancellation of a series he was developing and his shunning from the stand-up comedy circuit. Meanwhile, an avalanche of testimonials, demonstrating a penchant for encouraging women to stay in abusive relationships and blaming women for their own rapes, led to Patterson being stripped of his position as the President of SWBTS. Under a year later, both men are returning to t…

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Morality Police, Jihadists, Religious Competition, Grindr, & Americans Abroad: Global LGBT Recap

…Crimes reports that police in Beirut are using messaging apps on the cell phones of arrestees to try to entrap other gay men. In related news, the smartphone app Grindr, which allows gay men to find each other, announced it would permanently disable an option that allowed people to see their distance from other users. There have been reports that police in Egypt and Iran have used Grindr to hunt and arrest gay men. Jamaica: Activist Drops Challen…

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If There’s any Retaliation at Next Month’s EuroPride Festival in Serbia it’s Likely to Have Orthodox Clerical Blessing

…uptick in anti-LGBTQ hatred within global Orthodoxy with the influence of American evangelical Christianity, it’s unlikely that most American audiences understand the full consequences of what’s been wrought. It must be understood that within the Orthodox context the most vocal anti-LGBTQ hatred has come to reside in the same factions that embrace aggressive, and one might say even genocidal, geopolitics that advocates for everything from the Rus…

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On The Kerry Apartheid Comment and the Cycle of Chutzpah

…ith J Street, and the URJ’s rabbinic leadership, the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Incidentally, in reaction to the Kerry comment, J Street says Israel is not an apartheid state.) Major American Jewish groups have made it such that words like “apartheid,” even taken in the context of Kerry’s remarks (that context being this is an imminent danger, but not yet a reality) create a dissonant clang in many American Jewish ears. The reason: the…

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Global LGBT Recap: World Vision Caves, World Congress of Families Vamps, God Weeps

…ree Speech Controversy Last week we mentioned a controversy over the BBC’s cancellation of a debate about when being gay might become acceptable within Islam. Dr. Mohammad Nseem, chairman of the mosque that was to host the discussion has lashed out at his critics: “There are people with homosexual tendency in Muslim countries but they respect the law and control their desire as others do. “Human beings do have weaknesses and tendencies which are n…

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Why Egypt is America’s Enemy

…ssaults on civilian protesters, who reasonably enough are furious with the cancellation of their vote, the same kinds of conflations continue to be made. It’s as if we cannot bring ourselves to believe that people who wear suits and ties, go to beaches for vacation, put religion on the backburner, and otherwise say and do the “right things,” can be brutal, venal, narrow-minded and authoritarian. Consider this bit from today’s New York Times: But i…

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Unpacking the Giglio Imbroglio

…g. It’s his trademark now, something that distinguishes him from, say, the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer. But as this morning’s letter made clear, Giglio hasn’t abandoned his previously expressed views on homosexuality, he merely has chosen not to amplify them. In this sense, the White House has done us a huge favor. It has, apparently inadvertently, drawn the curtain back on at least one religious activist it has felt so compelled t…

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