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Racial Justice Will Be Top Priority for New Prez of the United Church of Christ

…ample the best practices from a variety of Christian traditions, but their spiritual horizons will invite them into a larger spiritual field. If there is a way to encounter the sacred or the divine, a way to draw closer to nature, a way to engender compassion for humanity, they will give themselves over to it without rejection, judgment, or reservation. There will be less reliance on or need for religious experts: namely, full-time, seminary-train…

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Wild Goose Festival’s (Mostly) Welcoming Spirit for LGBT Christians

…’m hanging out here at the Wild Goose Festival celebrating art, music, and spirituality. I just wanted you to know that you’re a child of God, and I’m a child of God. No matter what your sexual orientation is, you are a child of God. I sincerely want you to know that it does get better, and there are a lot of people at this festival who would like to tell you that as well. The large audience—which included many evangelical Christians—echoed the vi…

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Repurposing the Gospel Aura: Eminem’s Chrysler Ad Borrows Some Spirit

…f postmodern pop cultural contexts: There’s the final chorus of Foreigner’s 1984 power ballad, “I Wanna Know What Love Is,” which features the New Jersey Mass Choir. The choir’s warm, expansive harmonies take a garden-variety power ballad (“I wanna know what love is / I want you to show me… / Aaaah woah-oh-ooh”) and transform it into a secular anthem of the ever-yearning heart. There’s U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” on the 1988…

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The Revolutionary Spirituality of ‘Hamilton’

…children and the silence of too many white churches, Hamilton reminds us that black and brown lives matter. It reminds me that when the church refuses to speak, the Spirit will bear witness to the truth of God in the most unlikely places—because that is the Spirit’s way….

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Are Creationist Beliefs Too Extreme for Creationists?

…o be different, and they are, but down deep their roots converge. The same spirit of curiosity that animated Newton, animated Darwin. It is this spirit of inquiry that is at issue, not certain showpieces of scientific end-product. But it is unthinkable for Ham or the Discovery Institute to publicly reject “the spirit of inquiry,” so they focus — as they do so often — on externals, and wind up accepting only self-selected pieces of science. They ar…

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Rodriguez on Nativism in the GOP and Socially Conservative Latinos

…ld at the university in April 2010, Rodriguez maintained that white evangelicals need black and Latino evangelicals to succeed: “Let me be very blunt here. I don’t believe white evangelicals or white conservatives alone can repudiate the spirit of Herod, the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah, the spirit of Jezebel.” Rodriguez may be leading a new movement, but if he is, it’s a pretty narrow one: social issues culture warriors disgusted with the GOP’s o…

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Beyond the Miniskirt-Wearing Nun: What Catholic Reform Looks Like

…isagreement and dissent, and most importantly, it created an atmosphere of spiritual and social flexibility essential to meeting the challenges of the twenty-first century. The reception of the reforms was quite uneven across the country, and so we need to be careful in describing what actually occurred. Anything you had to leave out? I visited every parish I discussed in the book, beginning with my great grandparents’ ancestral villages in German…

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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…om Calvinism and introduced dominion theology to the Christian Right in the 1980s and 1990s. Wagner and his close associates both introduced novel beliefs and practices, and revised others—steps which remain controversial and consequential to this day, such as the notion of “strategic level spiritual warfare” (see Glossary). For Wagner all of these 20th century movements are to be understood as “components of the NAR,” as he wrote in a 2012 anthol…

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In Speech to White Evangelical Broadcasters, Trump Lays Out his White Christian Nationalist Vision

…escribes these domestic terrorists: You heard the J6 hostages. You saw the spirit, the spirit that these people have. The spirit. You would think they wouldn’t have any spirit left, but they have tremendous spirit. What’s happened to them has probably, to that extent, never happened in our country before…. The whole thing is crazy what’s happening in our country. Let’s call these brave Americans what they really are: persecuted Christians. They’re…

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Becoming the Common: Why I Got Arrested in North Carolina

…mplate setting moment. They prayed and God shook the place. Again the Holy Spirit comes and fills the disciples and they speak, but this speaking is already a joined speaking, a chorus of faith. They speak the word of God with boldness. This shaking of the Spirit is not simply a sign of power, but of pleasure. God’s excitement is evident here. Here and now God’s people are one—calling on the faith and boldness of Jesus to do the divine will. Here…

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