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Gay Chutzpah: An LGBT Synagogue Thrives

…hokeid: Twenty years later I observe a new social reality. Gay life in the United States and other Western countries has been transformed in public life to the extent of becoming almost “mainstream.” Lesbians and gays have come out and are fully accepted in leading social, political and cultural positions. The stigma that engulfed homosexuality also in academic circles evaporated—programs of Lesbian and Gay studies as well as the more encompassing…

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The Story of a Post-Holocaust Group Seeking Revenge Against Nazis is Part of the Story of Israel Itself

…ssover, however, beheading Jews and setting buildings on fire, the rabbi’s reservations are dispelled. The Golem had been necessary. This particular Golem story encapsulates the fear at the heart of Ashkenazi history: your neighbors could turn on you at any moment, and we might need to become monsters to save ourselves. The 1981 pulp novel The Tribe mobilizes this myth, telling the story of a tight group of Orthodox men who deploy a Golem to survi…

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The Quiet Part is Very Much Out Loud: Conservative Publication Calls For Embrace of Totalitarianism

…aspiration is on-point for him. His disdain for his fellow conservatives’ reservations against wielding state power and calls to abandon any libertarian influence make perfect sense: the belief in “small government” that’s been a part of the GOP for so long stands in the way of the totalitarian use of state power to enforce the minority’s will on the majority of Americans. Davidson spells out exactly what he means: “Put bluntly, if conservatives…

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What’s the Matter With Jewish Studies? Sexism, Harassment, and Neoliberalism For Starters

…Rather than studying how people live Jewish lives, the emphasis is on the numbers of bodies that “count” as Jewish. More disturbing still are the legacies of scientific racism evident in the language of “intermarriage,” “in-marriage,” and “out-marriage.” We suspect that such constructs may unintentionally amplify intra-Jewish prejudice and discrimination towards non-Ashkenazi and non-white Jews. This shapes an academic field in which people of ce…

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What Passover Taught Me About Being Black

…the urban centers of America, favelas of Brazil, shanties of Jamaica, and reservations of the American West. For years, I would anticipate the arrival of spring and Passover season. Meticulously cleaning my house of leaven as I awaited this celebration of freedom. Now when I watched The Ten Commandments I was once again rooting for Moses (albeit a white one) and the Hebrews as they dueled with Ramses and the Egyptians. But then something unexpect…

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When the ‘Biblical View’ for Evangelicals Was That Life Begins at Birth

…the founders of the evangelical Right to neutralize previous, Bible-based reservations about Catholic pro-life activism. By 1980, Jerry Falwell was off to the races. “The Bible clearly states that life begins at conception,” he declared in his book Listen America! Abortion “is murder according to the Word of God.” Falwell’s major reference for this claim was Psalm 139:13, where the author writes that God “knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Mo…

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What the Hail: Satanists Got Busy in 2018

…orney Marc Randazza to represent them pro bono. Randazza has represented a number of far-right figures including Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, and Andrew Anglin. TST-Santa Cruz announced their adoption of a local beach. Locals described being “shocked” that Satanists would clean up a beach but were not averse to the idea. Menstruatin’ with Satan art by Tina Scott. TST-Arizona had a falling out with the local branch of the…

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American Missionary Could Face Genocide Charges, But Brazil’s Indigenous Communities Have a Bigger Problem

…rts assimilation of indigenous communities and opening their resource-rich reservations in the Amazon to commercial interests, including large-scale farming, logging, and mining. Although the Brazilian constitution protects these populations and their lands, the new president has considered these regulations an impediment to economic development and publicly said he won’t get “into this nonsense of defending land for Indians.” The policy of openin…

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Come Let Us Reason Together: A Response to Critics of Evangelical/Progressive Initiative

…s good faith to those with whom one disagrees. For example, whatever one’s reservations might be about whether the “Come Let Us Reason Together Governing Agenda” goes far enough, it is indisputable that it marks movement in key policy areas. It is the first time that mainstream evangelicals have publicly supported policies on abortion that have no bans or restrictions and that include support for prevention of unintended pregnancy, including compr…

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It’s Official: White Evangelical Support for Romney Not Dampened by Mormon Factor

…als said they “strongly favored” Romney, and about 30% said they had “some reservations”—proportions just about equivalent to those reported for Romney voters overall. In the voting booth, partisanship trumped sectarianism. As we knew it would. But according to the Pew enthusiasm for Romney overall lagged behind the enthusiasm of Obama voters, seventy percent of whom said they “strongly favored” the president. Perhaps Romney’s team is to be credit…

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