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Catholic Cardinal Slams Jesuit’s Bridge-Building Book; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…o women. There is also a bill in Parliament to revise the current criminal code, which was basically translated from the Dutch criminal code. The latest version apparently does have a sodomy article. So we actually face the criminalization of homosexual acts.” Somoa: Prime Minister Says ‘Christian Country’ Will Never OK Abortion, Same-Sex Marriage Prime Minister Tuilaepa Seilele Malielegaoi said in a radio interview that Samoa is a Christian count…

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Pope Francis meets with bishop who blessed gay couple; Proposed NGO law in Uganda threatens LGBT groups, civil society; Interfaith sexuality organizing in Indonesia; global LGBT recap

…in the Maldives under Sharia law, and with the publication of a new Penal code in 2014, also under national law, and may be punishable by death penalty. The new Penal code transposes into national law provisions which were previously just in Sharia law and applicable to Muslim citizens. In any case these new provisions have not been put into legal practice so far and there is no record of trials for homosexual practices in the aftermath of the ne…

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“Muslim Gospel” Revealing the “Christian Truth” Excites the Da Vinci Code Set

…nity, and it also made an appearance in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s 1899 Jesus in India. As Oddbjørn Leirvik has shown, it rose to even greater prominence after the 1907 publication of the English translation by Longsdale and Laura Ragg. Within a year, it was translated from English into Arabic (1908), and within a decade, from Arabic into Urdu (1916). These translations gave the GBarn wide circulation. Not all Muslim scholars accept its authenticity, al…

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Can Eurovision’s Rainbow Arch Undermine Ukraine’s Orthodox Value System? This and More in Global LGBT Recap

…s to same-sex couples even though the state legislature changed its Family Code last year to include marriage equality. Paraguay: Presidential candidate pledges support for marriage equality Finance Minister Santiago Peña, who hopes to become president, announced his support for marriage equality. A gay activist leader quoted by Hoy praised the move, saying that Paraguay is behind other Latin American countries in protecting LGBT citizens. “The ma…

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Morality and Marriage Vigilantes and More in Global LGBT Recap

…A group of lawmakers is reportedly preparing an effort to amend the civil code to make it legal for same-sex couples to get legally married. Japan: Sapporo preparing to register gay couples The city of Sapporo, capital of Hokkaido, is reportedly beginning a process that will lead to legal certification of gay couples by the end of March 2018. Taiwan: Police plan road closures for pro- and anti-marriage rallies Police announced that roads around t…

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Free Arabs: Satire, Disobedience, and Disclaimers

…mor in the Syrian war frontlines, among other things. As a critical space, Free Arab should be commended for promoting individual rights and civil liberties in the Arab context. The site’s work is also significant because it tries to locate secularism as a vernacular practice, a lived experience in a part of the world exclusively defined by a narrow religiosity and a perpetual combative relationship with the West. The founders believe the remarkab…

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‘Rising Global Tide’ Of Anti-Gay Crackdowns; More in Global LGBT Recap

…n social media that people should by worried by Labor’s refusal to protect free speech and freedom of Muslim and Christian schools. Labor though believes the bill struck an acceptable compromise between legalising gay marriage and protecting religious freedoms and resolved it would press the government to pass that bill in its current form as quickly as possible. Georgia: Marriage ban put in constitution; first openly gay candidate runs for office…

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Australian Church Leaders See Marriage Vote as Battle for Soul of Australia: Global LGBT Recap 10/30

…frica, who were among 13 human rights activists detained and charged with “promoting homosexuality,” were deported: Local police chief Lazaro Mambosasa said they had been “promoting homosexuality”. “Tanzanian law forbids this act between people of the same sex, it is a violation of our country’s laws,” said Mambosasa. Just days later an NGO, the Community Health Education Services and Advocacy (CHESA) centre, was suspended on the same charge and a…

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The Passion of Katniss: How the Hunger Games Confronts the Trauma of Violence

…e of social and community values in pictures.” For the next 38 years, that code shaped Hollywood’s output. The Production Code insisted that movies were primarily “to be regarded as entertainment” that would “improve the race.” As such, movies should avoid explicit images that would be upsetting or play to “the lower and base element.” Those images included graphic violence, “excessive passion,” “white-slavery,” “scenes of actual child birth,” and…

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Why Immigration is Such a Key Motivator of Nationalist Aggression and Hostility

…ir Kakar analyzes examples of this rhetoric of violation. The Partition of India, which Hindu nationalists blame on Muslims, is described as “chopping the arms off” of the Indian nation. Separation is figured not simply as distinction, but rather as dismemberment and disintegration. According to Kakar, Rithambra, an ascetic orator and ardent nationalist, describes government policies for inclusion of Muslims as “cutting open the Hindu chest” like…

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