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Are We Living in a Simulation? Bad Religion, Bad Media Combine in New Doc, ‘A Glitch in the Matrix’

…you ever need to know about simulation theory—at its heart it’s the idea that whatever we are we are not our bodies, and I wonder if it most often attracts those who don’t worry about the safety of their own bodies at all. This isn’t so strange in Western intellectual history. Simulation theory inherits a version of Western skepticism that depends on the separation of body and mind. The movie cuts between scenes of Plato’s allegory of the cave, D…

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Catholic Groups Leading Mifepristone Ban Are Part of Century-Long Tradition Who See it as Patriotic Duty to Protect the Family

…he spokesperson noted, must be addressed by lawyers for Alliance Defending Freedom—the Christian legal nonprofit that argued this most recent case. On April 11, CMA released a brief, opaque statement, in which they applauded Kacsmaryk’s initial ruling. CMA President Craig Treptow, M.D. said in the statement: “The FDA’s approval of these dangerous chemical abortion drugs stands in direct violation of the right to life and inherit [sic] dignity each…

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Turkish Police Move Against Activists Who Defied Pride Ban; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…es and – without caring about it – harm society. That doesn’t mean to say that I hate them. I mean, I hate what they do.” A DUP councillor claimed in 2005 that Hurricane Katrina, which killed more than 1,500 people in the US, was God exacting revenge on the city of New Orleans for hosting a gay rights event. DUP leader Arlene Foster has previously rejected claims that her party is homophobic and said critics do not understand her party’s motivatio…

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John McCain: No God But Country

…in he was that The Code of Conduct was all he should need, and how it was that that man, that eight-year President, made him be so very evangelical in order to win back the very party that (once upon a time, not so long ago) made him lose a primary by calling his daughter black. But for now, we just have this man, this testifying and freewheeling man who has made his own choices (in word and act). He is a man running hard in the hardest race of hi…

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Queer Bloggers Make Homeschooler Christian College President Cranky

…in the areas where it seems the college can be somewhat hypocritical—‘do what we say, not what we do’; ‘encourage us to think critically about things and discuss them, and then say it is not good to do so’—I have still learned a lot,” Scott said, adding that Patrick Henry professors often push students to examine their beliefs and scrutinize them. “It was that encouragement to face the tough questions and not be afraid of the answers that actuall…

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Are Conservative Churches Really Winning by Being More Orthodox?

…us-flavored social activist club? But when you dig down into the numbers, what you find is that not many churches—liberal or conservative—are growing very much. The Southern Baptist Convention, for example, has essentially flatlined over the past few years.  Social scientists will tell you that while mainline Protestants might be leading, evangelicals aren’t far behind on the decline curve. And when you ask the people who actually have left the ch…

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Publisher Withdraws History of Hinduism, Amid Protest

…e law under which the threat was made was Section 153A of the Indian Penal Code which states that anyone is subject to fine and imprisonment who: (a) by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise, promotes or attempts to promote, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill- will betw…

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Trans Protections in India and Malta; Death-by-Stoning Law in Brunei; Church-State Divides on Marriage

…y,” which could be the lead in to overturn Section 377 of the Indian Penal code that still criminalizes consensual same-sex conduct, a remnant from an 1860 British Colonial Era law that exists in many constitutions across the Commonwealth countries even today. Malta: Civil Union & Adoption Law, Trans Protections in Constitution  This week the parliament of Malta passed, and President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca signed into law, a civil unions bill…

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Church=State in Putin’s Orthodox Empire?; Evangelical-Orthodox Anti-Gay Alliance; Malaysian Court Protects Transwomen; Catholicism (Still) Declining in Latin America; Global LGBT Recap

…ralism or pluralism, but called on the authorities to ban and seize books that promote the ideas and to “censor and block any social website contrary to Islamic teachings.” Rosli Dahlan, a Malaysian lawyer who has represented clients challenging the power of the religious authorities, said the scope of the fatwa was unprecedented. “This is an attempt by religious authorities to extend their tentacles into areas where they don’t belong,” Mr. Rosli…

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Pope Francis meets with bishop who blessed gay couple; Proposed NGO law in Uganda threatens LGBT groups, civil society; Interfaith sexuality organizing in Indonesia; global LGBT recap

…after all we also bless houses! The pope listened, he seemed open to all that. At that particular moment, he specifically said that to bless people also involves to speak well of God to those people,’ said the French prelate.” Francis DeBarnardo at New Ways Ministry reports that Gaillot had been scheduled to give the closing speech at a conference on religion and homosexuality at the first World Pride event in 2000. But on the day before the conf…

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