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Do We Owe Human Rights to the Christian Right?

…favor of the family. The Council also rejected an amendment, introduced by Norway, observing that the primary concern of international law is the rights of individuals, not collectives, and that individuals need protection from violations of their rights perpetrated within families. Resolution A/HRC/29/L.25 is, in the words of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, or C-Fam (designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an “anti-LGBT h…

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What in the Name of the Crusades are Tennessee Evangelicals Doing in Kurdish Iraq?

…s presence, establishing bases in Turkey, Liberia, Indonesia, Germany, and Norway. Can you describe how Servant Group International operates? What is especially distinctive about SGI—and its partners—is its development of a military model of evangelism (‘spiritual warfare’), which includes covert action tactics (‘tentmaking’), intelligence gathering (‘spiritual mapping’). They have an ingrained animosity to Islam, and their Dominionist ‘Kingdom No…

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Secularist Activists Are Being Murdered in Bangladesh: An Ongoing Crisis Causes Many to Flee

…we started out of the house,” his wife Samia told the Globe and Mail, “he used to ride the motorcycle and I used to look backward all the time to make sure no one’s following us or going to do anything to us.” Abir would drop Samia at work and continue to the university, but would keep his helmet on. “At least I’ll survive the first attack.” Abir knew this was untenable. His wife was pregnant; how could he raise a family leading this sort of life…

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Updated: Netflix’s Gay Jesus Upsetting Brazilian Christians Has a Centuries-Old History

…well as widespread calls for boycotts in some southern states. Ireland and Norway banned the movie altogether. I recount this history (and much more related to the theme of religion and humor), in my recent book Christianity and the Triumph of Humor, where I also trace the most frequently invoked motifs of irreverent comedy to their antecedents, some reaching all the way back to the Middle Ages. Indeed, some comical ideas surrounding the annunciat…

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The Myth of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Shooter Blinds Us to the Reality of White Supremacy

…oth here—in El Paso, Orange County, Pittsburgh—or abroad—in New Zealand or Norway—point unambiguously to “packs” of white supremacists or other radical collectives. We need to begin to regard such acts of terror with a “social” eye. In the past, in other contexts, Americans have shown themselves capable of seeing past the individual “lone wolf” to the collective “wolf pack.” In 1993, when the blind sheik’s gang tried to explode a truck loaded with…

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Behind New Zealand Terror Attack Is a Problem Bigger Than Islamophobia

…lacement” trope. Indeed, white Christian terrorists like Anders Breivik in Norway, Dylann Roof in South Carolina, and now Brenton Tarrant, are self-styled (and self-described) soldiers in a fight against greater threats: secularism and pluralism. While white Christian nationalism has its roots in the United States during Reconstruction, it grew in the 1960s as the evangelical movement attracted new congregants fearful of racial and gender equality…

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Religious Conservatives Mobilize Internationally Against Spanish Nondiscrimination Bill; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…to perform weddings for same-sex couples; the couple married at the courthouse. The Faroe Islands, located about halfway between Norway and Iceland, are an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. Hong Kong: Canada encourages marriage equality; US Religious Right group launches chapter The anti-gay MassResistance also announced the creation of a Hong Kong chapter it says is led by a Catholic priest “and a core group of eight veteran Hong…

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Expelled: Christian Student Claims Discrimination, But Judge Says No

…ersity. She was removed from the school’s counseling program last year because she refused to counsel homosexual clients. The university contended she violated school policy and the American Counseling Association code of ethics. That code, by the way, is clear about what is expected from counselors: Counselors do not condone or engage in discrimination based on age, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, gender, gender ident…

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Mitt’s Jesus, Barack’s Jesus, and Why Christ’s Color Matters

…ced simply to a code for broader sets of values for particular groups, because the use of Jesus—even a Jesus envisioned as white—destabilized white supremacy. When asked a question about Jesus’ race, Martin Luther King responded that Jesus was “no less significant because he was white,” suggesting both how his own unspoken and even unconscious imagery arose from the history related in this book, but also the fact that his actions which arose from…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…e and imprison members of religious minorities. While the government has paused its use of the death penalty since July 2016, the execution of convicted drug traffickers remains a signature policy of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. The government’s feeble claim of “Indonesian conditions” for rejecting solid recommendations from UN member countries to improve human rights will come as no comfort for LGBT people and religious minorities whose rights…

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