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Closed-Door Conference in Poland Shows How US Conservative Christian Networks Export ‘Conversion Therapy’

…DO NOT post this information on any website, nor on social media. The new registration form reads: “If this is your first time at the conference, please provide a person known to the IFTCC that will verify your application.” First time attendees will now have to provide an ID, and they separately mention that if a person is “an undercover journalist/LGBT-activist” they will not be permitted to attend. Had participants faced violent protests or de…

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Egyptians vs. The Police

…od. Foolishly, I did not take his national identification card and his car registration — I just asked him to open the trunk of his car. He opened it with pleasure, and was about to drive off, when Muhammad, one of my neighbors, recognized him. “Oh, hello. Wait a minute — aren’t you the police officer we saw here yesterday?” Bashfully, he replied, “Um, yes.” Muhammad responded, with all the righteousness evident in his voice, “So, no work for you…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…Prissy’s back. Preventing that ‘eureka moment’ Republican officials’ voter registration purges and restricting the possibility of voting for Black people is the pursuit of Klan business by other means. They will say, however, that they aim to protect voting rights. It’s never enough to beat Black people down. We must be mocked. Even if every one of a conservative’s errors is one that furthers the cause of fascism they will be given the benefit of…

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What Would Jesus Chew?, Bishops Bet on B-Ball, The Incredibly Shrinking Brain

…in the tornado. The Department of Homeland Security has ended a post-9/11 registration program that required Arab and Muslim men to register with the government, but not before tangling many Muslim immigrants up in legal proceedings. The Muslim Brotherhood says they do not want to enforce Islamic law in Egypt. What do Kentucky and the Netherlands have in common? An Ark problem. Holy shirking brains, Batman! A new study links religious experiences…

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

…eir legislators, if not more so. A webpage published by Singapore’s Health Promotion Board addressing questions on homosexuality and bisexuality ignited a firestorm of debate after conservative Christians both in and out of Parliament raised objections. They had taken exception to the webpage stating that homosexual relationships were “not that different” from heterosexual ones, saying that it was a signal to young Singaporeans that there was noth…

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The Anglican and the Evangelicals: Insights from the Sudanese Genocide

…’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor requires promoting peace and justice in a world marred by genocidal violence.” …and the Evangelicals Brad Phillips, who heads the Virginia-based Persecution Project, now lives in Kenya, and simultaneously serves as the Sudan country director for Voice of the Martyrs, an evangelical agency that since 1967 has focused on helping Christians in restricted countries, emphasizing communis…

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Mega-Church and State Separation? Not in an Election Year

…rograms and services to help resurrect the dying church, including a voter registration program with the goal of registering every eligible voter in his congregation. Atkins claims to even “lick the envelope and stick on the stamp for them.“ Before you get bent out of shape about blurring lines separating church and state and how churches don’t deserve their tax exemption and they’re all just in it to establish a theocracy, though, consider this:…

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A Secret Family History Shows “Regular” Life Under the Reich: Sarah Wildman on Paper Love

…es her all the more relatable. Finding small pieces in archives—her school registration, for example, the fact that the Gestapo notes she kept a microscope with her as she moved from place to place to place, and all her books, all these things add up to painting her picture. I tried to use her letters with the state files on her case and weave from that a narrative that gives as deep a profile as possible. Also, I’ll add, that I found geography to…

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Calvary is Bleak, But Can it Kick?

…oss his face in moments of encounter with that ugliness. But it’s merely a registration of the fact that suffering is inescapable. Father James moves on, full speed ahead, to compassion. Nonetheless, the film depicts the kind of place where the town tart wears a leopard print coat and red lipstick; the town doctor is a cokehead whose paths drip oily facetiousness (and is played by Game of Thrones’ Aiden Gillen, aka Littlefinger, with his Littlefin…

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So Much for “Judeo-Christian” Values

…ng that Cantor “wants to herd even more gun owners into a federal database registration system.” Cantor, the ad went on, “doesn’t sound like a Virginian or a Republican anymore. Eric Cantor sounds like someone else”—another bogeyman, Barack Obama. That ad was pretty clear: he’s not one of us. But was that because he was Jewish, or because he briefly diverged from firearms orthodoxy? In any case, it can now be said that in terms of representation i…

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