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400 Churchgoing Mormons March in SLC Pride Parade

…ormons Building Bridges delegation offered an opening prayer through a megaphone. Then, the LDS contingent took its assigned place at the head of the parade and began to march. Some Bridges marchers worried how the crowds would react, especially given the history of LDS Church-backed opposition to same-sex marriage. “But when we turned the first corner onto 200 South Street, the crowd just roared,” says Austin Hollinbaugh, a recent BYU graduate fr…

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How the Politics of the 1890s Explain the GOP’s Health Care Woes

…oke through and gained control of the presidency and Congress and passed a number of historic bills, including the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, which reintroduced silver into the currency supply, and the McKinley Tariff Act, the Republican attempt to modernize the tariff schedule. They also passed a long-awaited pension for Civil War veterans and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The Democrats dubbed the 51st Congress the “Billion Dollar Congress,” char…

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Texas Congressional Candidate Clayton Trotter and the Principles in His “Hispanic Heart”

…f Hispanics than his opponent, Charlie Gonzalez). He is also endorsed by a number of right-to-life groups, Eagle Forum PAC, the Texas Home School Coalition PAC, and the Independence Caucus, whose other endorsements include Joe Miller and Reconstructionist Star Parker. And given that his entire agenda is aligned, point-by-point, with the far right, the Constitution Party, and Christian Reconstructionists, one has to wonder what else is in that “His…

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Kenneth Starr in the “Athens of Texas”

…d of years, combined with an orchestrated scheme to tap into the wealth of Texas Baptists, would allow Baylor to embark on an ambitious building program and the recruitment of top-tier faculty from around the world. (Sloan’s point man for faculty recruitment and development at the time even initiated conversations about the possibility of luring my wife and me to Baylor as distinguished university professors.) Sloan overreached, however, and event…

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Beyond ‘Thoughts and Prayers’: How the Christian Right’s Politics of Providentialism Keeps America from Addressing Gun Violence

…a public schools. And in response to the most recent massacres, Republican Ohio State Representative Candice Keller blamed “the breakdown of the traditional American family,” for which she in turn blamed same-sex marriage and the LGBTQ community, in a now-deleted Facebook post. Meanwhile, Keller’s colleague, GOP Ohio State Representative John Becker, shared to his public Facebook page the following meme: Several people replied with “Amen,” while a…

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Fresh From Horrors of Draconian Anti-Abortion Laws, Christian Right Hoosiers Consider Draconian Anti-Abortion Law

…any Hoosier in a situation like that of the ten-year-old from neighboring Ohio will be able to receive needed care without traveling out of Indiana. But many right-wing Christian Hoosiers want to go even further, and they’re likely to prevail, according to Sue Ellen Braunlin, MD, co-president of Indiana Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. (Full disclosure: I received an honorarium for participating in a dialogue hosted by IRCRC in 2019.)…

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Exit Polls on Religion

…ey. Romney is winning Catholics, 52-48%, but 62-38% among white Catholics. Ohio: In Ohio, exit pollsters did ask voters if they were “white born again Christian;” 31% said yes, and they went for Romney over Obama, 68-31%. (The Pew Religious Landscape Survey has Ohio’s white evangelical population at 26%.) 25% of the respondents were Catholic, and they favored Romney 55-44%. Romney is only doing marginally better among white Catholics only (21% of…

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Buffalo and Uvalde Both Appear to Have Involved the AR-15, the Rifle Revered by the Christian Right

…on this violence. Reverend Karl Jones from the Fellowship Church of God in Cleveland, Ohio, summarized this militant God when he said, “Some people say, well, ‘God is only a god of love,’ [but] no, God was a god of war. God is a god of vengeance. Very few people like to talk about God in his totality. God took judgment, several times…[T]he god that I serve was a god of wrath, vengeance, protection; watching out for his own.” This god demands justi…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…d for Romney. Of course that doesn’t prove that Jews are voting in greater numbers for Romney this year, just that Jews who used iVoteIsrael’s services did. Certainly there are Jews in the U.S. who hold this view (the RJC, after all, is not supported by Adelson alone). Detroit Free Press religion reporter Niraj Warikoo reports on Twitter that hundreds of Detroit-area Jews have signed a multi-page advertisement by Michigan Jews for Romney/Ryan to r…

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Can Expelled Teach Us a Thing or Two?

…ans would be attracted to, appreciate and consider careers in science (the number is decreasing annually). I bet we’d have more productive conversation among students and leaders of science and religion around the many profound issues in our nation that engage both: abortion, medical care, stem cells, homosexuality, and genomic research. The battle rhetoric would fade and, more than likely, movies like Expelled wouldn’t be made in the first place….

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