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The New Disciples: Report from South Carolina

…searched the word forerunner on the internet, and the first result was the Kansas City International House of Prayer, the 24/7 prayer venue founded by evangelists Mike Bickle and Lou Engle, who is also the leader of anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-Muslim The Call revival rallies across the country. In 2002, the Kansas City IHOP was having a “forerunner conference,” Dalton said, “so I went halfway across the United States to find out what God was spe…

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London Calling: “Our Great War Is a Spiritual War”

…We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.” Massive Attack’s own controversy-stirring appraisal, posted on their blog…

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A Muslim Reflects on Christian Theologian (and UCLA Coach) John Wooden

…ach, as always, was different. We both agreed that Abraham Lincoln was the greatest American, but he said that the greatest person of his generation was Mother Teresa. Like her, he lived out his Christianity in service to others. In 2005, I moved from a secular religious studies department at Cal State Northridge to a department of theological studies at Loyola Marymount University. One of the first theological pieces I wrote, on “Theology and the…

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Gay Black Church: An Interview with Bishop Yvette Flunder

…am one of the religious leaders in this country who has one of the largest numbers of black gay churches in the U.S. gathered together. I don’t know anybody that has a larger number of black gay churches meeting together. Not gay churches—the MCC definitely has the corner on that. Do you work together? Very closely. In fact I have an MCC credential, an ordination.  Were there times in your life when you did question your ability to stay in the chu…

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Too Late for Apologies: Three Steps the U.S. Bishops Should Take to Prevent Another Sexual Abuse Scandal

…10 the principal of a Catholic elementary school had warned the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph that a priest “fit the profile of a child predator,” and the diocese didn’t take action against the priest for six months. Fr. Shawn Ratigan was arrested a few weeks ago on three counts of possessing child pornography. The diocesan review board never saw the case. Bishop Robert Finn eventually apologized.  These recent developments should not have bee…

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The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Inspired by a Biblical Account of Divine Massacre: Welcome to the Jericho March

…een built up by the politicians to come smashing and crumbling down.” “The Great Reset” Back to Ottawa: Christian nationalist symbols are visible in the mob that’s been marching and occupying space around Parliament for about 20 days, though in smaller numbers than in American rallies. It’s part of the broader effort to bring global attention to the “convoy.” CBC has reported on the prayer circles and speeches and signs, while Christine Mitchell h…

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Hajj Journal: M & M

…though this, the men would hover around the tent entries, send notes, make phone calls, actually get their phone cords recharged, and send food and drink through every possible opening in the tent. As far as I could tell, it was always the men hanging around our tent and not the women hanging around the men’s tent. Pretty funny if you think about it. They were like lost puppies without their women. Yet patriarchy would have us think they are the m…

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Religious Affiliation, ‘Mankind’: India’s Anti-Corruption Activist Leads Second Freedom Struggle

…good move. When I got to the lobby another something told me to dig out my phone and check it for messages. Sure enough, I had one from an unfamiliar number. A woman’s voice said Bedi was still sleeping, exhausted from the previous day’s overseas flight, and needed to reschedule our interview for that afternoon. I called the number back, convinced the opportunity was lost. “I’m here at the hotel now, but I’m booked solid this afternoon—” “Hold on,…

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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…uts of Wall Street bankers, a moratorium on immigration until unemployment falls to 6 percent, an industrial policy that creates jobs here and stops shipping them to China.” The mainstream media suddenly began to take the angry right-wing populist fervor more seriously; but while the coverage was intense, it has been overwhelmingly superficial, for the most part failing to consult historians, social scientists, and human rights groups about what h…

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The Economy is Racism: Ending Race-Based Economic Violence is the Real Challenge of This Moment

…have been kept down at the very bottom in order for the American System of cheap labor to function. Although Henry Clay opposed slavery in theory, the need for this ongoing subjugation was most certainly in the mind of The Great Compromiser who coined the term “American System” during the expansionist years of ‘Indian removal’ and a related Second Middle Passage that took over one million people in shackles from the Chesapeake to the rich bottomla…

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