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NC’s Gay Marriage Ban: “It’s Going to Hurt the Church”

…Against Amendment One, Knight points out that conservative churches far outnumber progressive ones in North Carolina. “They’re encouraging their folks to vote as much as we are,” he said. “It remains to be seen who’s going to be motivated and mobilized to get out there and do it.” As far as media coverage is concerned, Bakker laments that the same-old anti-gay Christian perspective is still the easy go-to. “It’s a strange phenomenon,” he told me:…

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Who’s to Blame for BP?

…kers lost their lives to what appears to be, at its base, corporate greed, pride, and sloth. The president’s case points out that not all sins are of equal moral weight. He appears to have failed to press for regulatory reform at key governmental agencies. Not to mention the fact that the Minerals Management Service inherited by the president had, according to Rolling Stone’s Tim Dickinson, retained “industry-friendly regulations drafted during th…

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Modernity’s Fraternity: What Dan Brown Gets Right

…icism.” Part of the appeal of Brown’s books is the hint that there is some profound reality underlying all of the cheap fun. Beneath the nonsensical lore and pseudoscience of The Lost Symbol is a sincere sense of hope. The narrator tells us that in the hours after the September 11 attacks, the random-event-generators in noetic scientists’ labs behaved unusually; “as the frightened world came together and focused in shared grief,” the machines’ ran…

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Are American Christians “Persecuted”?

…t gays. Here, too, clearer definitions of persecuted and persecutor seem appropriate. As they continue to transition from a history of overt moral condemnation to a defensive, liberal posture in keeping with public reason, conservative Christians must continue to refine their strategies for engaging the public square. It remains to be seen what role persecution – or persecution-ish – arguments will play going forward. For now, though, I’ll agree w…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

…n ever before. War began to look like little more than a grand information-processing problem, solvable with the right programming and hardware. Cold War projects like SAGE (Semi-Automated Ground Environment)—which was more expensive than the Manhattan Project that built the first atom bomb—and WWMCSS (World Wide Military Command and Control System) sought to connect US military forces around the globe into a single, centralized computer system. A…

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Memo to David Brooks: Francis Is Not Naïve For Criticizing Capitalism

…ms oblivious to the gospel basis of anticapitalism, it may well be because Protestantism, and Anglo-American Protestantism in particular, eventually found it possible to ignore the plain teaching of Jesus and the prophets and ultimately to sanctify private greed. How this happened is a tale for another time. Suffice it to say for now that Protestantism’s accommodation of capitalism, even its role in forming modern capitalist ideology, stands as a…

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The Economy is Racism: Ending Race-Based Economic Violence is the Real Challenge of This Moment

…e has been more than happy to sanctify the American System of white male supremacy and cheap labor. No one disputes that the current upsurge in anti-racist activism is about police violence. But behind that everyday horrific violence lies the equally horrific shadow of an economic violence that is constitutive of the American Way—and that has been constitutive since forever. Most thought leaders among the current moment’s insurrectionists—a formid…

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Updated: My Work on Confederate Monuments Leaves This Christian Ethicist Distrustful of Calls for Reconciliation and Healing

…s say, “Blessed are the peacemakers”? For a Christian like me isn’t that a pretty clear principle? Part of my suspicion is due to the fact that I know this is hardly the first time in the history of the United States that people in power have called for reunion in the face of popular unrest. And while calls for reconciliation can be good or neutral, they can also signal an abdication of the responsibility to face and address injustice, a lesson I…

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Hookers for Jesus: Sex and Salvation on the Strip

…of books, websites, and even sermons, examine sex in vivid detail. This approach may seem counterproductive but, as historian Dagmar Herzog has noted, “evangelical sex advice lures and tempts and arouses—all in the name of Christ. It does so in order to argue that not only non-marital sex but also masturbation and fantasy stunt emotional growth, destroy souls, and devastate marriages. This has been its overt message, but to get that message out a…

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