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Argue-by-Number: A Suggestion for the Church

…moment marked by anguish and anxiety. “Here is a secret about how I love. Will you still love me after hearing it?” Or persuasion comes about when a respected church leader—a pastor, a teacher, a musician—can no longer keep a false silence in good Christian conscience. These are the speeches that persuade, not the arguments-by-number. So why do we repeat them? One strategic justification is that we progressives are regrettably obliged to answer th…

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In the Aftermath of the “Himalayan Tsunami”

…ds, and bridges. It is too early to know how many people have died but the number will probably be in the thousands. The numbers may be low compared to global-scale disasters of recent years, but there is a wrenching poignancy to what is happening in Uttarakhand right now. Many of the forces that frame daily life in South Asia are suddenly on display like a raw wound: the wages of development and globalization, the power of the natural world, divi…

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The Sacred and the Dead: Operator, Can You Help Me?

…1926, Arthur Pound sung its praises: “We who are still young have beheld millions of farm families emerge from isolation, the tucked away mountain hamlet and prairie village brought into touch with the busy currents of trade and social intercourse. Many new tools and systems originated by science and organized by business have contributed to this result; but the telephone has done as much as any other factor to make America strong and united; and…

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Recovering From Rejection: The Second Coming of Ted Haggard

…rah, and the secular media with offering the compassion and respect his family needed to rebuild their lives. “I don’t hear from the Rick Warrens or the James Dobsons,” confided Haggard. “The Chuck Smiths or the Chuck Colsons. I don’t hear from the TBNs or the Daystars. Or the denominational leaders.” “My therapy for the past two and a half years has been recovering from rejection by the church.” It remains to be seen whether Haggard’s new anti-au…

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Yes, It’s Worse To Be Gay in Russia

…al sexual relations,” and all eyes will be on Sochi as we wonder if any similar incidents will occur there. These days, I teach interdisciplinary humanities and intellectual history courses at a Russian university, and I still push the envelope a bit. Last spring, I facilitated a heated debate about Pussy Riot in my Religion and Society class after a Russian student gave a presentation on the trial that involved her distributing copies of the lyri…

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Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism

…even have the courtesy to check Trayvon’s phone for his mom and dad’s telephone numbers because it’s just a black criminal’s body to them. While Zimmerman the trigger man slept in his bed, the police ordered a drug and alcohol test for Trayvon’s lifeless body. A black body that was representative of evil against the whiteness of George Zimmerman. I hesitated to write about this story, because there are many good stories about Trayvon and his pare…

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“You’ve Never Met a Muslim”

…the only place that really lived up the those values. I believed that. I still do. While the anti-Muslim sentiment seems to be increasing in this country, in my neighborhood, I feel empathy and support. I wear my ONE MORE MUSLIM FOR PEACE T-shirt to pilates and people smile at me as they pass me on the street. My daughters feel proud to speak at a crowded, angry community board meeting. The day that the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted agai…

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“Giving Godhead”: A Bloody Vision of Religion’s Deepest Influence

…back in the faces of the “man-eating bambino[s]… half-breed between pedophile & / child, raptor rapist” who use their collars and incense as tools of predation. She has a bleeding, enflamed heart for those, too, who are erased from the rolls of the lambs who need tending due to their sexual practices. If suffering is to be embraced, that embrace must be capacious, these pages insist. Some readers won’t make it past the poem titles—some of which,…

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Swiss Priest Sacked for Blessing Lesbian Couple; Mormon Equality Advocate Excommunicated; Pope-Backed Anti-Gay Referendum Fails; Global LGBT Recap

…st from New Ways Ministry’s Sister Jeannine Gramick that he meet with the piligrims while they are in Rome. The pilgrimage will be chronicled on the New Ways Ministry’s blog. Pope Francis made news this week by calling couples who choose not to have children “selfish.” Mormon Church: Pro-LGBT Advocate Excommunicated John Dehlin, a supporter of marriage equality and the host of the “Mormon Stories” podcast was excommunicated following a disciplinar…

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Vatican Reverses Anti-Liberation Policies in Mexico

…y parts its importance is still not understood.” For over a decade the Diocese of San Cristóbal has endured “saddening tests and incomprehension” as result. There are many who hope that these new ordinations will help to build a wholly “indigenous church” guided by the faith of the people “from below,” in liberationist terms, and overseen by bishops in collegial, rather than submissive, communion….

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