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Heterosexual Martyrs and Gay Saints: Did AIDS Coverage Clear the Way for LGBT Equality?

…lescing in the 1977 “Save Our Children” campaign to rescind a Dade County, Florida anti-discrimination ordinance. Both types of coverage set gay sexuality over and against monogamous heterosexual families. In stories such as the Florida repeal, opponents of homosexuality, like the campaign’s spokeswoman Anita Bryant, explicitly argued that the ordinance was immoral and anti-family. In articles about gays’ open sexuality, narratives implicitly set…

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Why are Nuns and Monks in the Streets? (Parts I & II)

…repository of Tibetan Buddhist culture, have been severely reduced both in number and in population. In those monasteries that do still exist, serious study of Tibetan Buddhism is no longer allowed; in fact, even admission to these centres of learning is being strictly regulated. In reality, there is no religious freedom in Tibet.” It may seem strange to an outsider that the regulation of monastic institutions—for example, the control of the numbe…

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Bad Faith: The Catholic Hierarchy’s Pointless Campaign Against LGBT Rights

…had appointed Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver as the new archbishop of Philadelphia. The clergy abuse scandal that has badly damaged the hierarchy’s credibility is still spinning out of control in Philadelphia, and Pope Benedict XVI clearly thinks that Archbishop Chaput is the right man for a difficult job. We would only note that in his previous post, he supported a parish priest who expelled a girl from a Catholic school because her parents…

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Beyond ‘Thoughts and Prayers’: How the Christian Right’s Politics of Providentialism Keeps America from Addressing Gun Violence

…ned to be placed on my car windshield some years back when I was living in Tampa, Florida. The tract asserts, “Killer kids are the result of God being removed from education,” and objects to the teaching of evolution, claiming that, “If you teach children that they come from animals, then do not be surprised when they begin to act like them!” This too, is not a new formulation; it was common among the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century C…

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7 Religion Stories to Watch in the 2012 Battleground States

…and one that could potentially play a role in this big prize of the battleground states. Nevada: Will Mormons drive the ground game? Obama leads by 7 points in Nevada, which has one of the most transient and least religious populations in the country. Twenty-seven percent of Nevadans identify as Catholics, 13% as evangelical Christians, 11% as LDS/Mormon, and 11% as mainline Protestant. But 21% have no religious affiliation at all, making Nevada o…

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Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism

…even have the courtesy to check Trayvon’s phone for his mom and dad’s telephone numbers because it’s just a black criminal’s body to them. While Zimmerman the trigger man slept in his bed, the police ordered a drug and alcohol test for Trayvon’s lifeless body. A black body that was representative of evil against the whiteness of George Zimmerman. I hesitated to write about this story, because there are many good stories about Trayvon and his pare…

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Saving Teens from Obama: When Bible Study Goes Wrong

…ted to get the kids thinking,” they told me. When I wondered if purchasing tickets for the kids using Salvation Army funds could be a violation of the church’s tax-exempt status, Miranda argued that she didn’t see a problem. Since the Bible is applicable to every facet of private and public life, she reasoned, how it would be possible to talk to the kids about anything government-related without jeopardizing their tax-exemption? “Our hands would b…

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Shucking Off The ’50s. And the ’40s. And the…

…economic policies, and broad infrastructure investments required for a new round of sustained prosperity. Does this mean that either the Republicans have to lose the social conservatives or Dems lose the unions in order for there to be a sustainable end to political gridlock? It’s worth a thought, says Digby. I’m not so sure. Florida has an interesting thesis that what he calls “structural factors” may cause more of a swing in the 2010 elections t…

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Global Precap: 5 Religion and LGBT Stories to Look For in 2015

…es is a Catholic event organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family. Philadelphia’s ultraconservative Archbishop Charles Chaput, an ardent culture warrior, will be hosting. Chaput, who disparaged the bishops’ synod for sowing confusion about church teachings on sexuality, has made clear that marriage equality is not on the agenda of the World Meeting of Families, dismissing “the neuralgic sexual issues that seem to dominate the American medi…

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This Year in Satanism

…atanic Temple began petitioning to erect their holiday display in front of Florida’s state capital. In 2013, Florida allowed a nativity scene to be erected on capital grounds. This justified other religious groups in presenting holiday displays, which led to a Festivus Pole and an image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The Satanic Temple was the only group whose display was denied, on the grounds that it was “grossly offensive.” In 2014, The Satan…

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