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Finding Noah’s Flood: A Misconception of Biblical Proportions

…fake-science backbone of creationism. Counterintuitively for a literalist movement, the makers of the infamous Creation Museum do not attempt to pinpoint the physical location of Noah’s Flood. For them, the Flood must have been real, but it must have been total, and thus no beginning point can be found. Otherwise God’s wrath is not total, and there is no ominous foreshadowing of a future end-times and Rapture. They are vigilant about debunking an…

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A person holding a sign that says "If you're not angry then you're not listening."

Can Rage Fuel the Struggle for Justice? A Roundtable

…eracts with various spheres of U.S. politics to shape people’s attitudes, emotions, and behavior. His book, The Anger Gap: How Race Shapes Emotions in Politics is winner of the American Political Science Association’s 2020 Ralph J. Bunche Award for best scholarly work exploring ethnic and cultural pluralism, and co-winner of the award for best book on race and ethnic politics. Myisha Cherry: Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of C…

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As Transition Looms, Jewish Studies is Mired in Controversy

…JTS for eight years, and a rabbi, I’m very much a product of the Greenberg model in a modified form. In those years as me moved from graduate school to positions in Jewish Studies some of us, while continuing to particulate in the AJS, drifted over to the Study of Judaism at the AAR in part because we were sympathetic to Neusner’s critique of the very way that we were bring trained. Yet we knew we were still embedded in Jick’s “community of concer…

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Will Anti-LGBT Government Contractors Have A RFRA Claim?

…ould be used in such a circumstance” in its 2007 Office of Legal Counsel memo, and that memo “has never been repealed or modified.” That memo permits recipients of faith-based grants (as opposed to contracts, which are covered by the executive orders) to seek an exemption from prohibitions on religious discrimination in the statute or program that funds the grant. But Lipper noted that, regardless of how the reasoning might be applied, the OLC mem…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…ss, there are great advantages in airing this information. The benefits of monogamous, heterosexual, conjugal intercourse are well documented, including the avoidance of enormously expensive disease, the cost of which is largely borne by the public.” Just as in the 2018 manual, “this information” refers to pages of material of questionable scientific value about LGBTQ people, leading to the conclusion that LGBTQ people are diseased and dysfunction…

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Israel Under Bush: The Islamophobia Years

…di is such a liberal, and how increasingly representative his ideology is among Arab Americans. Though he is far better-schooled than most Americans, Khalidi’s intellectual achievements make it difficult to define him by political alliances that require a hostile and unreasonable other, particularly at a time of continued conflict in the Middle East. As long as it can be established that someone like Khalidi is an extremist bent on Israel’s destru…

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Catholic Child Neglect: DC Archdiocese Cuts Adoption Rather Than Abide Same-Sex Parents

…es money from the government must conform to certain rules based on the common good. That is how a democracy works. Catholic Charities is not above the law. When same-sex couples present themselves for parenthood with all the requirements met, there is no justification for refusing them unless, as some Catholic authorities reason, they are not fit parents because of their sexuality. This is heterosexism raised (better, lowered) to the level of pol…

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Goliath the Israel Slayer: Why Max Blumenthal’s New Book is a Painful Read

…. Statements like “Israel is the only democracy,” “the Israeli army is the most moral army in the world,” or “we left Gaza and all we got were rockets,” are often weakened when you go on the ground and witness what actually happens in Israel’s democracy; or what happens in the IDF on a daily basis; or how the evacuation from Gaza took place and how the borders were closed and the strip was under constant siege with Israel controlling the water and…

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South Carolina Gubernatorial Candidate Called “Raghead”

….” But, as the Free Times reports, Knotts wasn’t quite as repentant in the moments after uttering his slur. With a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face outside a Columbia bar, Republican S.C. Sen. Jake Knotts called Lexington Rep. Nikki Haley, an Indian-American Republican woman running for governor, a “raghead” several times while explaining how he believed she was hiding her true religion from voters. “She’s a f#!king raghead,” Knotts…

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How New Religions Are Made

…t to study the antecedents of Black Israelite movements. At that time, Shlomo Levy, a Columbia University graduate student who was himself the son of one of the leading figures of the New York Israelite community, had begun to work with the Schomburg Center of the New York Public Library to collect papers from a dozen or so Black Israelite synagogues. I wrote an honors thesis on a small part of that collection, and then returned in graduate school…

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