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News Flash: Christian Supporters of Kenosha Killer are Christians

…pressed concern with how refusing to understand that “true” Christians can commit horrible deeds “denies the violence Christians have committed—in the past and in the present—in the name of Christianity.” He also observed that this denial “collapses the world into ‘true Christian’ (good) and ‘not true Christian’ (bad), so that anyone who is not Christian is lumped into the ‘bad’ category,” adding that this “flattens Christianity and denies the div…

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Student Expelled from Sorority for Transphobia Illustrates the Problem with Evangelical Understanding of Pluralism

…taking to Twitter to share some thoughts about pluralism: Leave aside for the moment the nonsense assertion that nothing about human nature is empirically verifiable. It is, strictly speaking, true that no institution or legal-framework can be entirely value neutral. However, it’s still a tell when conservative Christi…

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A Progressive Christian Conference With an All-White Lineup: What Could Go Wrong?

…e know that our staff and our current speakers are sharing a plethora of recommendations of absolutely awesome potential contributors…We have, indeed, committed sins of omission against our sisters, brothers, and nonbinary siblings of color. We ask for your forgiveness as we seek to do better. However, the apology was hedged with them also stating they had originally reached out to several people of color to be speakers but their schedules didn’t…

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New Poll Shows: White Evangelicals Are Still Dancing With the One That Brung ‘Em

…ng. Though the all-caps invectives provide a healthy dose of schadenfreude, there seems to be a doubling down of sorts happening offline. In a widely circulated story last month, Rev. Joel Tooley of Florida described his uneasiness at a local Trump rally he attended with his 11-…

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White Evangelicals Support Trump in Tremendous Numbers

…als”… but the evangelical brand is likely to take a sizable hit just the same. And it didn’t escape the notice of Christians of color—particularly women—who didn’t hold back:  …

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Are You There God? It’s Us, Googling

…ative to the rest of the country, for every search I looked at, retirement communities search more about hell,” he writes. Each month, on average, 422 people in the US ask Google “Why did God make me ugly?” and 103 ask “Why did God make me black?” The most common God-related question, asked over 25,000 times per month in the US, is “Who created God?,” followed by that old Job-ian classic, “Why does God allow suffering?” But we should be careful he…

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Islam is as American as…

…how American Islam is. Islam is as American as basketball. — peter manseau (@petermanseau) February 11, 2015 Islam is as American as dancing with dad at your wedding. — peter manseau (@petermanseau) February 11, 2015 Islam is as American as pride and ambition. — peter manseau (@petermanseau) February 11, 2015…

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The “Marginalization” of Tim Keller: When Anything Short of Adulation Is Oppression

…m to be conflating the award’s revocation with censorship. William Stell, a recent PTS alum who is now a PCUSA pastor in New Jersey and identifies as gay, also agrees that many are making a false equivalency between refusing to honor someone and silencing them. “[The revocat…

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America No Longer a Christian Nation: And Other Critical Data from 2015

…gly in favor. 6) Americans’ double standard on religious violence. When it comes to those who commit acts of violence in the name of religion, Americans are more likely to reject perpetrators who claim a Christian identity than those who say they are Muslims. Three-quarters (75%) of Americans say that self-identified Christians who commit acts of violence in the name of Christianity are not really Christian. In contrast, only half (50%) say that s…

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Catholic Bishops to Use Mass to Lobby Against Health Care?

…from the President of the Conference and the Chairmen of the 3 major USCCB committees engaged in health care reform, the US bishops have asked that the USCCB Nationwide Bulletin Insert on health care reform be printed or hand-stuffed in every parish bulletin and/or distributed in pews or at church entrances as soon as possible. Congressional votes may take place as soon as early November. Please encourage parishioners to pray for this effort as we…

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