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Notify This! Vatican Bungles Response to Sexual Ethics Book

…han, a Daughter of Charity, and Sister Simone Campbell, a Sister of Social Service, parted company with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops not once, but twice, in the health care debates. Their Catholicism trumped the Catholicism of the bishops in the minds of legislators and perhaps of President Obama himself. So it is with Margaret and Elizabeth that their well-reasoned, experience-encompassing, pastorally sensitive work simply tru…

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Roy “10 Commandments” Moore Doesn’t Want to Reform the Senate, He Has a Higher Calling

…und did indeed spark nationwide conversations about the very issues at the center of Moore’s Biblical world-view: questions of marriage, faith, and “natural law.” If Moore could accomplish all that without setting foot outside of Alabama, just imagine the trouble he’ll be able to stir up in Washington, D.C., where he’ll join the unofficial-but-growing Congressional “dominionist caucus,” which includes the Vice President. And if he finds himself si…

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NOM’s Brian Brown Went to Russia to Push Anti-Gay Laws

…tivist – and also sponsored by the Duma’s family committee, the right-wing Center for Social-Conservative Policy, and a new multi-party group of Russian MPs formed, with approval of the Russian Orthodox Church, to “protect traditional Christian values” and fight “aggressive liberalism” inreaction to Pussy Riot’s protests. Among the measures pushed by the group was the new law imposing jail time for “insulting religious feelings.” Brown and NOM hav…

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How New Religions Are Made

…of the New York Israelite community, had begun to work with the Schomburg Center of the New York Public Library to collect papers from a dozen or so Black Israelite synagogues. I wrote an honors thesis on a small part of that collection, and then returned in graduate school to use the rest. Working towards my doctorate at UCLA I was fortunate enough to study Black Atlantic religions with Donald Cosentino, and African American and West Indian hist…

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Going Negative: Traditionalist Churches Gang Up on ‘Progressive Christianity’ in Arizona

…l Christian numbers are dropping. If those leaving the faith come from the center of the faith, it will leave American Christianity “more sharply defined,” Stetzer argues, along both ends of the spectrum. That in turn probably means we’re in for more contentiousness as the two sides duke it out to define the faith. I’m not a proponent of Progressive Christianity myself. But even as a relatively traditional churchman, I find this story distressing….

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A Note To Churches During Pride: If You’re Not LGBTQ-Affirming, Keep Your Water

…efforts amount to deliberately deceptive bait-and-switch tactics, and they center anti-LGBTQ Christians’ feelings over the feelings, health, and welfare of LGBTQ folks. The same dynamic is in play in megachurches like Hillsong that trumpet that “all are welcome,” while in fact these churches will neither solemnize same-sex weddings nor allow LGBTQ folks to volunteer or serve in leadership roles. For people who are supposedly against the bearing of…

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Sex, the Body, the World: It’s R. Crumb’s Bible Now

…e: comix artist Robert Crumb onstage at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center, headlining the Jewish Book Fest at its sold-out opening event. Basically it was the usual Jewish Bay Area crowd, coming out in droves for Crumb, who had apparently become an honorary member of the tribe by illustrating that tribal book of ours, Genesis; no doubt a few of them were just now being introduced to Crumb, through his freshly-minted biblical pedigree. But…

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When Churches Do Business

…ge, which had been used for years by a church-affiliated nonprofit retreat center, because the couple might host same-sex weddings there. Fairbanks and Beret, who wanted to operate the property as an inn that would hold weddings and other big events, contend the diocese accepted their initial offer in spring 2012, but eventually cut off negotiations. The diocese’s real estate agent accidentally forwarded the couple an e-mail in which a diocesan of…

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Holy Spit: Why Do Ultra-Orthodox Jews Spit at Christians?

…ces of the Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel and the Jerusalem Center for Christian-Jewish Relations.  These spitting assaults have been going on for at least a decade, and like many expressions of tension in Jerusalem, the attacks represent scores that many observers thought were settled long ago. For spitting at crosses and clerics was not unknown in those parts of Christian Europe where Jews and Judaism were often persecuted and whe…

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Gay, Black, and Quaker: History Catches Up with Bayard Rustin

…ther contemporary Quakers with means, however, if simplicity is defined to center on simplicity of possessions, this Quaker testimony fit Rustin less well than the others, and he surely knew it. He was a connoisseur of fine food and wines. He had an outstanding collection of antique furniture, and late in life he had an extraordinary collection of canes. In short, he liked the finer things of life, and he was not embarrassed about it. One of his f…

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