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Modernity’s Fraternity: What Dan Brown Gets Right

…ally an Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California. As their Web site explains, the Institute “explores the frontiers of consciousness” to “build bridges between science and spirit,” and “research subtle energies.” Such baloney works wonders for middle-class self-absorption, and for Brown it serves as a useful device. By merging mind and matter, it allows Brown, through Katherine Solomon, to construct his own “missing link between modern…

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Tea Partiers and Religious Right Court at Values Voter Summit

…authoritarianism. Stephen McDowell, Providence’s co-founder, said in a telephone interview that he would not consider himself a Christian Reconstructionist, “but I do believe that the Bible is the template that we ought to look to to build our life upon and our family and our business and our civil society. That’s where the people who founded America looked.” According to its Web site, “The Scriptures contain a theology of the family, the church,…

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The Revolution Will Be Whispered: An Excerpt From Everywhere a Guest, Nowhere at Home: A New Vision of Israel and Palestine

…r the future. Older sister has told them that it is already happening; the site has been selected and the building has begun. The girls are less impressed than she has expected. They already know that the desert is just dry land waiting for water. They’ve heard of taking the salt out of seawater and diverting water from the Nile and bringing in water from a distance with pipes. They know the important thing is to get the fundamental ideas right an…

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Religion and Science: Toward a Postmodern Truce

…ural law, intelligent design, or some combination thereof…” –(from the Web site of the Center for Science and Culture) “People of faith are in their different ways planning your and my destruction, and the destruction of all the hard-won human attainments that I have touched upon. Religion poisons everything.” –Christopher Hitchens A friend quipped recently that the two topics a liberal and a conservative should never discuss together are abortion…

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Oh My God(dess)! Feminist Spirituality in the Third Wave

…different kinds of religions. We don’t tend to think of the Internet as a site for spiritual practice, yet many young women are running Web sites and blogs in order to build a community and engage in theological discussion. What effect might technology have on feminist spirituality? This is the big question of the day for all religious use of the Internet. I think this kind of technology can bring people together from a wider range of contexts wh…

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This Just In: College Will Make You an Atheist

…o by the legal system. Indeed, there are books on choosing your major, Web sites filled with advice, and even quizzes to take online to figure out what major would be best for you. Postmodernism as Gateway Drug to Atheism And, now, there has been an explosion of reporting on choice of college major—and religiosity—in the higher education press and the blogosphere. Both the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Education reported on the w…

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Pop-Eye: Meat The Wrestler

…soul in power, the body a mere marionette. Several of the religious review sites described Randy’s body in metaphorical terms: Randy’s heart attack was really a comment on his loneliness, a broken heart over his daughter’s estrangement, and the utter lack of any other community. Reviewers persisted in maintaining this dualism, that the double identities Randy and Cassidy both share ultimately want to get to some core non-physical identity, some ma…

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…rich and poor, men and women, and Jews and Gentiles—the necessary prerequisites for the “spiritual warfare” on the road ahead. Theocratic Crypto-Fascists? Back in the mid-1990s, Promise Keepers appeared to be mobilizing the men of evangelical America, pleasing some people and scaring the hell out of others: the stadium rally was its stock-in-trade—the praise band, the testimonies, the marriage advice, the Jumbotron video collage, the tearful reco…

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Texas Board of Education Wants to Change History

…emic experts), for example, wants to restore America, according to the Web site of his Massachusetts-based ministry, “to its Bible-based foundations through preaching, teaching, and writing on America’s Christian heritage and on Christian discipleship and revival.” He also believes that Hurricane Katrina, Watergate, and the Vietnam War are the result of divine wrath. As part of his curriculum review for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills pro…

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By the Way: “Ten Commandments Judge” To Be Alabama’s Next Gov?

…announced that he was again running for the Republican nomination. His Web site features a quote from James Dobson on its home page. “Judge Moore is a man of courage and strong Christian character,” Dobson says, “and I have long admired him.” Another testimonial comes from Oliver North, identified simply as “American Hero”: “Chief Justice Roy Moore is a proven fighter for his faith and our freedom.” In announcing his candidacy, Moore was up to his…

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