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Dems’ New Faith Outreach Director “Pro-Life” and Against Marriage Equality (Updated)

…d to advance the BCI goals of providing faith-based sexuality education in African American churches and reducing unintended teen pregnancy in Black communities. In doing so, he has provided a valuable service to the Black Church. Religion in this country has become increasingly politicized and polarized. Reverend Harkins may help bridge this divide by bringing to this position connections with both conservative and progressive religious groups. O…

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Does Christopher Hitchens Think Mormons are Sinistererer?

…rong: there is nothing, for example, in the Book of Mormon that references African-Americans or legitimates the historical ban on black priesthood. People of African descent were ordained to the Mormon priesthood from the 1830s through 1880s, and although ordination was discontinued and institutionalized as a racist ban until 1978, but the Book of Mormon provides no direct rationale for LDS anti-black institutional racism. And no Mormon who unders…

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So You’ve Decided to Run for Senate Against a Pro Wrestling Mogul

…e took on as a protégé “The Ugandan Giant” Kamala in order to convince the African “brute” that he was, in fact, a man, and not the animal that his previous manager had taught him to be. This “humanizing of the African savage” storyline was ostensibly to demonstrate the compassion of the good Reverend, but the entire angle was performed mainly for comedic effect: just as Kamala was a cartoonish stereotype not to be taken seriously, so too was The…

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Southern Baptists Embrace Minorities, but Not Gays

…about themselves today. Eleven years after the denomination apologized to African-Americans for supporting segregation and slavery, it elected a black man as its first vice president of the convention—“the highest position yet held by an African-American” in the denomination, the New York Times notes. Fred Luter Jr. pastors a largely black church in New Orleans and is apparently an “overwhelming favorite to be elected president at the assembly ne…

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Why All the Silly Devil Talk Should be Taken Seriously

…’s quintessential model of white-boy angst is simply “frustrated,” whereas African Americans are demonic. Adam Lambert is the only white male artist maligned by someone like Ponce, but as “the first openly gay mainstream popular artist to launch a career on a major label in America” his sexual orientation makes him an easy exemplar of deviance. The selective nature of these vitriolic assertions reflects social anxieties. The perceived precarious p…

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The “F” Word: Feminism in Islam

…mothers, alcoholics identify (anonymously notwithstanding) as alcoholics, African-Americans as African-Americans, Muslims as Muslims. We identify with Islam. Even when pressed by bad publicity and bad actions by some of us, we still identify with Islam. Either/Or Why do people still think Muslim women must choose between identity as Muslims and identity with freedoms, human rights, dignity and democracy? For the first few decades of my work on ge…

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RD News Round-Up: October 27, 2008

…argin, although it hasn’t reached the 50% threshold. • ‘It’s not easy’ for African-American Christians who don’t support Obama: J. Lee Grady, the editor of Charismamagazine, has written an interesting, albeit mostly anecdotal, column about the travails of African Americans that are not voting for Obama. “It’s not easy to go against the flow when it seems that the entire black community is marching in lockstep with the well-financed Obama machine,”…

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Tajwid: To Read with Love… and Competence

…g their cultural background, they are from all over: Arab, Middle Eastern, African, and South Asian. I at least saw one other African-American woman once. Keep in mind that I am arriving only to time to join the already-formed prayer lines, which means I tend to see more of the women from the back deal. These assessments might be also inaccurate. As I said, I plan to go for iftar on Sunday and get some eye contact. Now that the speaker volume has…

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The Problem with the Discussion of Race and the Tea Party Movement

…. A representative composite: “We (tea partiers) aren’t racist, we welcome African Americans. It’s those black groups that are racist” or worse: “Obama should just go back to Africa.” But even more than that, I’m troubled by the Tea Party Movement’s invocation of the intentions of the founders as the “be all and end all” of Constitutional interpretation and their nostalgia for “states’ rights.” Even if you buy revisionist Christian American histor…

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Obama’s Religion Ambassador: Inexperienced?

…a motivational preacher into a cogent, respected ambassador for religious freedom. President Obama’s appointment of a woman with no discernible training in diplomacy, interreligious dialogue, or strategic international policy is disappointing. From my perspective, this appointment is an embarrassing, patronizing attempt to honor gender, black church tradition, and a reward to a political ally of the Secretary of State. As someone who has written…

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